T5 GROW Lights vs T5 LED Garage Lights – Microgreen Lighting Comparison

By | March 21, 2023

how's it going everyone cj from on 
the grow here and today i'm going   to be comparing some fluorescent full 
spectrum 54 watt grow lights to some   berina t5 20 watt led shop lights 
these are just garage lights   we're going to see how they grow some kale 
micro greens so stay tuned for the video alright you guys so like i stated in the intro 
this video today what we're going to be doing is   another lighting experiment if you guys are new 
to this channel what we like to do is a lot of   experiments testing out how we can affect the 
growth of microgreens and try to get the best   product that we can get the healthiest most 
juiciest microgreens and we also teach people   how to grow microgreens as well as quite a 
few other things we're starting to move into   house plants and things like that so if this is 
something you're interested in please stick around   because we've got some awesome content coming 
all right guys so let's go ahead and talk about   this experiment a little bit and go back and do 
a little bit of story time here so ten days ago   what i did is i took four trays and i filled them 
each with six cups of coco coir per tray and then   i seeded it with 20 grams of kale specifically la 
canada lacinato last lachinato i don't know how to   pronounce it it's dino kale and it is also i think 
like a tuscan black kale or something like that   either way i see the 20 grams per tray of 
this after we seeded all these trays we then   watered it with a slight anti-fungal and then 
we put this into a three day germination period   normally we do four days but after the three 
days with the 14 pounds of weight on top   we saw that everything was growing so well that 
we just put it directly into the light there was   no blackout whatsoever we did not need to stretch 
this crop because it was growing very aggressively   and really really solid once it was introduced to 
the light we began bottom watering it with ocean   solution 2-0-3 mixed into our tap water at 0.5 
ounces per gallon we have a 3-gallon reservoir   so that is 1.5 ounces that we mix into that 
reservoir and then we ph balance it to the 5.8 ph   range these trays then spent six full days in the 
light and today is their seventh day underneath   these lights and they've been under there for 
a few hours now what i need to do is i need to   get all these trays pulled off the shelf and we'll 
take a close look at the appearance of each one of   these before we get these pulled off i just want 
to quickly show so the yellow label trays are the   two kale trays that were underneath the three 
berina t5 leds and then the two red label trays   are the two trays that went underneath the two 
sunblaster t5 high output fluorescent grow lights   whenever you pull microgreens off of a shelf you 
really want to scoot your trays over because you   can see how they're touching down this middle 
if you just pull it forward it's just going to   drag all those uh cotyledons together and rip a 
bunch off this really helps it self separate them okay so i've got all these trays pulled off and 
everything is looking pretty dang comparable and   i'm very happy with the growth on all of these 
so far i'm loving the consistency it looks like   really solid germination across all the trays 
the growth looks very even consistent i will   say this one fluorescent has a slightly odd area 
right here but other than that the rest of tray   is looking really really happy okay so let's go 
ahead and dive into a comparison on the appearance   of these at first glance first thing i'm going 
to do is turn off this grow light right here   because this pink light cast a crazy coloration 
on all this okay so if you guys will remember   the two red label trays are fluorescent 
and the two yellow label trays are our led   lights so starting over here on our fluorescent 
trays like i said we have this slightly weird area   right here on tray number one but overall the 
growth on these cotyledons and the coloration   looks really nice i'm loving the greens on this it 
is a nice deep green that looks very very healthy   we have a little bit of stretching to one side 
and i think that this was the uh tray that was   on the end so usually what happens is whenever you 
have that you'll have a kind of a weaker growth on   one side of this tray versus the one that has 
uh it's positioned more in the middle of the   shelf you can see how much more rounded and well 
well grown it is and with the second tray same   thing i mean i'm loving the coloration on this uh 
cottolins the canopy looks very nice and healthy   the rounding to it looks really solid we 
have a very uniform growth going on here   and as for coloration of stems i am seeing like 
a slight purple tinge down here at the base of   these stems oh yeah here's one that looks really 
good right here it's kind of hard to get that to   focus there i love to take my word on it so we got 
some purple down there that looks really good on   those fluorescents overall i'm very happy with the 
growth on these fluorescent trays maybe slightly   taller than i would like but i think that's 
because their growth space has been hotter than   usual on to the leds these as well are looking 
super super happy i'm really loving the growth   on these and if we compare it side by side with 
the fluorescence it seems to be nearly identical   with the height and the growth overall i'm not 
really noticing a whole bunch of differences   here between the coloration and actually i mean 
it does these seem to be a lighter green than   these i don't know if you guys can really 
see that hauling me don't focus on my hand yeah so these do appear to be like a slightly 
looks a little bit more neon coloration compared   to these which seem to be a bit more muted 
and darker which could be healthier growth   or healthier growth i don't really know we'll 
figure out soon enough again overall loving   the growth on these two trays i think that 
the leds have done a really great job here   let's see if we got some of that purple so we do 
have some of that purple here as well so that is   actually pretty abundant on these led trays 
a lot of this purple coloration down here   it seems like it's a little bit more 
prevalent nope yep there it is cool   on these uh led trays compared to the fluorescents 
like i'm just not seeing as much of that purple   coloration you guys see that interesting i guess 
we'll find out more as soon as we harvest so what   i'm gonna do right now is actually ask you guys to 
go ahead and smash that thumbs up button because   it really does help out our youtube channel if 
you guys are feeling extra generous be sure to   click that subscribe button and the notification 
bells that way you guys get notified whenever we   release new videos so let's go ahead and harvest 
these i will set up the camera over here so you   guys can kind of just check it out from over 
the shoulder and watch this thing get harvested you can see how pretty those little stems 
are i don't know if you guys can see that   purple right there but that is some good looking 
stimmage any like little stragglers like this   you just go like this and 
they'll fall out tickle the roots   not supposed to taste it yet all right if 
you guys don't already and you grow a lot   of microgreens get yourself a little bucket 
that you can just throw compost stuff into   because it really helps out as you can see all 
the mess that's created from harvesting and stuff   you just swipe this into your compost bucket 
and then toss this into your compost or just   into your yard instead of into a trash can 
where it'll never actually return to the earth   all right so same thing for first glance i'm 
seeing a little bit of that purple down here   at the base of the stem but not as much 
as i was kind of seeing on those leds i   do feel like this one has a little bit more than 
that first tray of the fluorescent group though   overall again i think it's really beautiful 
looking and i'm really excited with that product okay i finished harvesting all four of the 
trays let's go ahead and take a close look   at the harvest weights again and the appearance 
of these crops okay so i have all of the product   laid out here in front of me we've got our led 
harvested bag over here and then our fluorescent   harvested bag over there these two trays are these 
two groups right here are the leds and then these   two groups right here are the fluorescents as for 
the fluorescent side we had a harvest weight of   295 grams for one tray and then 305 grams for the 
second tray as for the led groups the first tray   had a harvest weight of 289 grams and then the 
second tray had a harvest weight of 321 grams   289 plus 321 equals 610 total for the leds divided 
by 2 equals 305 gram average for the led side   295 plus 305 equals 600 grams total for the 
fluorescent so so far leds have one in overall   harvest weight divided by two 300 gram average for 
the fluorescent groups so that was crazy close and   the harvest weights there and the overall winner 
for the harvest weight is the led side with a 5   gram higher average than the fluorescent side now 
let's go ahead and take a look at the appearance   so again we got leds and fluorescent starting on 
the fluorescent side i think that the growth here   is very beautiful and i love it overall i'm really 
happy with the stem coloration i'm not seeing any   signs of disease or pathogens or anything like 
that the coloration is really quite nice on it   let's go ahead and flip it here so we can take 
a look at the cotyledons the cotyledons are a   really nice green color it is a deep green and 
it doesn't seem to have any light spots or too   much of anything bad going on so looking between 
the fluorescent group right here and the leds   over here it seems like the leds are almost just 
a little bit darker and they're caution coloration   which is actually quite surprising as for the 
stems on the led side again i think that they   are really beautiful we have a tiny bit of purple 
do i see any in here there's just a very faint   amount of purple here and overall it's just the 
same really solid looking happy growth okay so   as for the winner on appearance i'm actually not 
seeing any here i noticed a little bit more purple   whenever i was harvesting the leds so that was 
nice but as i put them side by side i'm not really   seeing too much of a difference so i think that 
the appearance here is just a draw overall now   let's go ahead and move into a taste test so i'm 
going to call in a guest celebrity who has no idea   which one of these trays are which or which one of 
these crops are which so let me go ahead and get   her pulled in here mandy will you come here and 
taste some food all right so i found this random   woman walking down the street and i asked her if 
she'd like to be a part of a microgreen taste test   and she said what are microgreens so i had to give 
her a little pitch that's a very healthy crop that   grows in 7-14 days and they're very nutritious so 
ma'am can you confirm that you've never known what   a microgreen was before this moment i've never 
seen a microgreen before in my life so mandy   if you would just start digging in and i know 
what is what all right first off i have to say   walking in here i can smell that brassica flavor 
so i think all your products probably really   good because it smells really good and i think 
let's start on this side we're gonna do this one very light crunch and   very mild flavor as well okay so first one you 
taste it was very like crunch very mild flavor   okay coffee is actually really good for cleansing 
the palate that's what a lot of people use for   uh cleansing their noses when it comes to 
smelling perfume i'm gonna do this one do it i feel like i'm almost kind of similar to 
the first one light flavor light crunch yeah   i would say those two are pretty identical 
okay so the first two tastes are identical   i'm grabbing from the third group third group yes 
yes she can count a lot more crunch than that one   flavor is still about the same though so far 
all three groups had basically the same flavor   but the texture was different good to know so all 
three groups have similar flavor but the texture   on that one was just a little bit crunchier 
okay and then now for the second group more flavor more crunch all the way on that 
one more flavor more crunch on that one okay so   what's the what's the winner then not a second 
group okay i will say that the flavor is still   pretty comparable it was 
just like that slight just   what if it's my favorite slight um there's a 
slight moon okay good to know all right thank   you you may continue to walk down the street okay 
guys so mandy has said that her favorite was this   tray right here which is actually our second tray 
from our fluorescent group so this was the t5 high   output fluorescent uh trays right here and she 
chose that second one as being the overall winner   as for all the flavor though she said all of them 
had a very similar taste uh the only difference   was this one had a little bit more crunch and 
this one just had a little bit more oomph as   she describes it for the second tray so that 
fluorescent tray is the winner and flavor though   most of them seem to be pretty comparable okay so 
the last thing that i haven't talked about is the   actual cost of running these lights and their par 
output and all the specs basically on the lights   so let's go ahead and talk about the top shelf 
first so the top shelf was our sunblaster t5   grow lights which again were fluorescent they 
were not leds these were full spectrum and their   coloration they had there were two of them at 
54.80 apiece bringing the total for the two lights   to 109.60 the par output for these two lights was 
about 60 to 95 depending on where we positioned   the par meter on the shelf the watt and amp per 
light is 52 watts and 0.64 amps per light meaning   that it costs a total of 21 cents per day to run 
these lights the other lights were the berina   t5 led shop lights now again these are t5 they 
were 6500k and they're light temperature there   were three of them at six dollars and 67 cents a 
piece which brings a total to 20 and one cent for   all three of the lights to be on the shelf the 
power output was a little bit higher at 75 285   so actually the sun blasters had a higher total 
or i guess a higher peak par output but the par   average was a lot better on the led groups staying 
between that 75 to 85 compared to the 65 to 95   for the um sunblaster t5 grow lights as for 
their watt and amps each the leds pulled 19.6   watts apiece and 0.16 amps and since there were 
three of them that means it cost a total of 12   cents per day to run all three of these lights and 
that is it for the actual light specifications now   let's go ahead and talk about the total cost so 
like i said for the leds it was 12 cents per day   and for the sun blaster t5 grow lights it was 
21 cents per day to run the lights which means   for the leds it was a total of 84 cents 
for the seven days to run these lights   and on the fluorescent t5 grow lights it was 
21 cents per day which brings a total to 1.47   to run these lights for the entire seven days of 
this experiment now right there we have nearly   doubled the cost of running these lights for 
the fluorescents compared to the leds and i   would say that the growth was actually pretty darn 
comparable between the two even though the winner   for flavor was kind of the deciding factor there 
that went to the sun blaster the fluorescent group   but the leds did a great job overall like mandy 
said all the flavors seem pretty consistent and   very nice across the board so as for the 
overall cost of running these lights i feel   like the leds is kind of the way to go i really 
love the t5s they don't put out as much heat   so that's something that i value in my grow space 
especially in the summertime and spring and things   like that where i don't want these crazy hot 
temperatures in my grow space i want to keep   that for winter so the fluorescence might 
be nice for winter and that way you don't   have to use a whole bunch of heaters or stuff 
like that but again it does cost more energy   and it is a much much higher up front cost 
like i said for those two fluorescent lights   110 dollars basically compared to all 
three of those berina t5 leds for 20 bucks   i mean that's a massive difference to people you 
can basically fill up the whole rack right there   or you could fill up the whole rack with three of 
those marina t5s per shelf for the cost of just   one level of that fluorescent t5 grow light so 
now i have to choose an overall winner for this   experiment personally i'm gonna have to go with 
the leds just because they use so much less energy   way less up front cost if you use three of them 
per shelf and get a similar par output to the two   fluorescents then you're gonna get very similar 
growth i didn't notice a huge difference between   the 6500k temperature which is the color rating 
on the light output for these leds compared to the   full spectrum of the um fluorescence i was gonna 
say something else the fluorescent sunblaster   lights above it all right guys well that is it 
for this experiment i hope that you guys enjoyed   it i'm gonna be testing out these fluorescent 
lights a lot more i'm gonna be comparing them   to actually these blurble lights let me go 
ahead and get those pop back on before i forget   boop so i'll be comparing these uh fluorescents 
like i said to these uh actual t8 led grow lights   from the same company barina as the led lights 
above it and then also against these more powerful   garage shop lights from marina down here which 
are t8s so we'll see how these things will just   stack up against all these and what i did is i 
did my best to even out the par on all four of   these shelves so maybe i'll end up doing like a 
whole massive test where we'll do maybe two or   four trays per shelf and just compare like a super 
overall master guide for each one of these lights   compared to each other for like a full grow and 
a crop we'll see about that that'll be a lot of   work to do that because it'll take forever to 
jot down each weight and everything like that   and to talk about it individually but it could be 
a lot of fun to really get like a master guide to   all these lights so hope that you guys enjoyed 
this video if you did please be sure to give   us a thumbs up if you dislike this video give 
us a thumbs down if you have any questions or   comments please leave them in the section below 
and we'd love to get those answered for you   as soon as we possibly can our instagram and our 
facebook are both out on the grow farms and our   website is www.onthegrowth.net thank you so 
much have a great day keep on believing and   i was thinking trying to think of something 
with lights oh god i couldn't think of a   single light joke we'll just leave it there i 
feel sad now keep on beliefing and keep it lit you

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