RIDGID R86344 18V Brushless Jig Saw

By | July 27, 2023


You don’t have to break the bank to get a good jigsaw. This RIDGID R86344 18V Brushless JigSaw delivers up to 3,450 SPM and offers 4 different blade oscillating modes. No tools are needed to change blades or to adjust the base angle. Get this RIDGID jig saw for $169 from the @HomeDepot and get the Lifetime Service Agreement. #homedepot #ridgidtools #tools

RIDGID R86344 18V Jig Saw:

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Foreign Volt jigsaw obviously a cordless jigsaw Has a brushless motor as well a model Number is the r86 344 and we get four Different Power modes here with the push Of a button so no longer a dial here Just a push button to select between one Two three and four we will see those Illuminate once we put a battery on here We have four different orbit modes as Well really three different orbit modes We have a non-orbit mode and then three Different selections as far as different Aggressiveness of uh of orbits one two And three so again we have zero which is None and then one two and three as well Here on the other side we also get a Blower feature so this slide switch Right here you see the X telling us the Blower is off we can turn this on and What that’s going to do is it should Clear out the area where we’re actually Cutting so if we’re actually cutting on A line that blower should help to blow The sawdust away so that we can see the Line that we’re cutting on On the base here a couple of different Features here first we can actually open This up and we can even store blades in Here if we wanted to and put the base Back on And so I’ll place the store thing as Well it’s going to provide that Non-marring surface so that we’re not

Scratching anything but of course we Could run that without the base as well But why not just keep the base on We get a tool-less feature for beveling And we can bevel either side 45 degrees So we just flip that lever over and then We Slide the tool back because it does Have a little indents in there that Actually kind of lock it into place so We slide it back and then we can adjust To whatever degree we want to if we’re Going to index at 45 we can slide it Back forward at a 45 and that’s going to Lock in if we want something other than A 45 or a 90 then we have to keep it non You know not indexed if you will and Just lock it in at whatever degree we Want but again at 45 at 90 and at Negative 45 or the left side 45 you’re Going to have those index spots So no tools needed to lock and unlock That you also see here that we get a Dust extraction Port that actually Slides right here in the base of the Tool and locks into place so it Clips in And that’s going to accept a one and a Quarter inch or one and seven eighths Inch dust extraction or shop vac hose And we also get a tool-free blade Blade ejection and blade insertion so Actually I don’t even need the switch to Insert the blade so right now we’re Ready to insert the blade any t-shank Blade should work so I’ll just slide

This in push it down and it clicks and Locks into place and then take this Lever right here open it up And it’s not going to Spring out but it Is going to release that and I can pull That out This is a Bosch blade here so again any T-shank blade should work that Clips Right into place And then even a Makita blade So if you’re wanting to run a Japan Tooth now that’s going to lock into Place as well so again any t-shank blade Should work just fine so we like the Non-tool needed for blade changes Now let’s Slide the battery in here And then as we mentioned Right here in the tool We have a lock slide that over and now We can engage the trigger we see the Power display light up so we can go from Mode three To mode four one two three four so just With the push of a button And that’s going to progressively get Faster and faster now we really don’t Know speeds for each one of the speed Increments but we do know it goes Anywhere from zero to thirty four Hundred and fifty Strokes per minute and Regardless of which speed you have it in You still get a variable speed trigger All right So even though you have it in speed four

You can still start this very slow with The trigger And then ease into it as you want to There is no auto mode that’s Automatically going to select that you See a lot of saws now that that do have That this one does not and something Else you notice now with the battery in There is that we do get an LED light That’s going to shine on the area where We’re cutting as for size of the tool With the battery on there you’re looking At about 10 inches long and uh about a Little over eight inches tall now Obviously you could slim that up a Little bit if you wanted to use like a Two amp hour battery to me on a jigsaw It’s really not becoming cumbersome to Run a four or six amp hour battery those Are going to be the same size anyway and It’s not that much bigger than a 2 Amp Hour and that’s not something you’re Really carrying around you know you’re Letting the tool rest on the the piece That you’re doing the work now if you Were doing overhead stuff then yeah you May want to put a slim pack on there but Again really not that important to me on A tool like this And then wait with the six amp hour Battery right at six pounds six pounds Half an ounce and with the battery off Four pounds six and a half ounces Okay we’ve got our rigid blade in place

We’re going to start this uh let’s just Go to power mode three and we have our Dust blower on you know what let’s turn That off and we’re going to have the Oscillation on zero and we’ll just make A pretty straight cut Foreign Not getting a lot of dust right in front Of us anyway Which of course we turn this Off We did have a fan blowing near us so Let’s try that one more time so we’ve Got our face we’ve got our blower off Foreign Not really seeing a problem with dust Accumulation anyway that could change Based off of hardwood thicker wood Slowing down things like that so not That we don’t need that but anyway so We’re not really seeing the difference In the blower because we’re not having a Problem with the dust piling up let’s go Ahead and turn this on we’re going to go To two so we’re going to jump two spots And now we’ll see the blade will Actually it will actually oscillate so That wheel will actually push that blade Four and a half So you see that different movement now Probably be a lot more aggressive we’ll See a lot more splintering here in this Plywood So I’m really not pushing any any harder

But it is moving much faster but you see All of the splintering we have going on Here So yes it will cut very fast but this is What you’ll get is a lot of splintering Going to turn that back down Foreign I will say it’s very smooth it doesn’t Vibrate a lot pretty easy to handle even Though it is a a d handle I typically Like a barrel grip but this is handling Absolutely fine All right now we’ve got a piece of one Inch Pine on here so three quarters of An inch thick Thank you Got a little dust accumulating here Let’s turn this blower on So it does seem to make a little bit of A difference Foreign Go ahead and throw it on a 45. Now we have a lot of dust accumulating Right there at the foot and the blower Is actually on So no problem No probing powering through the 45 at All so plenty of power from the jigsaw Now I’m going to hook up the dust Port Now I don’t see this making a huge Difference because we were really not Encapsulating the actual cut so we don’t Have like a a splinter stop on there and We’re really not encapsulating the whole

Blade and cut areas so we’re really not Forming a great vacuum the only thing we Have going for us is creating velocity Down this tunnel which is where we’re Actually sucking from so again I don’t See a huge difference happening but Let’s find out Foreign And as I mentioned unless you’re Actually going to create some sort of Vacuum area you’re not going to just Magically pull all that dust away from There we may be pulling some of that and For some purposes you may be better off Using a dust extractor on this you’re Just not going to catch a lot of Particular in most of your situations This rigid model r86 344 is going to run You 179 dollars for the bare tool so no Battery but you are going to get a Single blade and the dust extraction Port and the tool itself 479 dollars and You will get the lifetime service Agreement as long as you complete the Lifetime service agreement within 90 Days of purchase so be sure to do that Online when you purchase one of these Rigid Tools let us know what you think Have a great day make sure you keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Tick Tock have a great day And keep smiling


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