Milwaukee 2534 M12 Brushless Pruning Shears Review [1-1/4″ Capacity]

By | June 26, 2023


Tools like this Milwaukee 2534 M12 Brushless Pruning Shears make quick work of branches that are less than 1-1/4″ in diameter. You can make as many as 1,000 cuts on a single charge with the Milwaukee Pruning Shears. You get two different pruning modes: Full (1-1/4″) and Half (5/8″). With Half mode selected the Milwaukee 2534 is also 40% faster. Replacing or sharpening the blade is as easy as removing two Allen screws. Expect to see these hit the shelves in August 2023. #milwaukeetool #lawncare #review

Milwaukee 2534 Pruning Shears:
Milwaukee Pruning Shears Blade:
Milwaukee Pruning Shears Holster:

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Have you made the switch to a pruner you May want to after this [Music] This is the Milwaukee model number 2534 And it’s their M12 pruning Shear let’s Dive Right In take a look at these Details and we’ve got some cool features We want to discuss and some maintenance Items if you will and then as always We’ll come back and talk about pricing About warranty and what we thought of The performance we got to see this a few Months ago at the Milwaukee pipeline Event and it’s a very simple tool that’s Very effective as well but there are Some cool features on this that we want To get details on as well as we want to Show you a couple of Maintenance items As well that uh that may come in handy For down the road this is the model Number 2534 and it’s the M12 brushless Pruning shears it’s not an M12 fuel Which doesn’t mean a lot in a tool like This but anyway it does have a brushless Motor obviously running on their M12 12 Volt battery and the cool thing about This tool is yes you could run it on the Higher capacity batteries if you want One and two it really doesn’t need the Performance and it really doesn’t need The capacity because they’re saying like A thousand half inch cuts on a two amp Hour battery I don’t know you know if You’re going to be doing more than that

And if you are then obviously you could Run this but for the most part most People probably get by absolutely fine With the smaller capacity battery so It’s a you know much lighter tool much More Nimble tool with this little two And a half amp hour in there versus the Higher capacity now let’s take the cover Off the end here and so you see it’s a Pretty simple looking you know pruning Shear and right now the Jaws are closed And to actually open them we have to Power the unit on and it’s a simple push Of a button so push the power button it Comes on we get the green light And we have a mode button and those two Mode buttons or that single mode button Is going to control two different modes And it’s real tough here to remember Full mode And half mode yep that’s right so Hopefully you can remember that full and Half and basically we have a safety Button I’m going to open up these Jaws But I’ll go over this right now so There’s a trigger there and if I pull The trigger even though I have the Battery on even though I have the power Button pressed pulling the trigger Doesn’t do anything I have to press the Safety first and then pull the trigger And all I got to do is Bump the trigger And it’s going to open up those jaws now To close the Jaws or actually cut

Something if I just press the trigger It’s only going to move as long as I Hold the trigger So you see if I let go during the middle Of that it’s going to come back so hold It all the way goes all the way down let Go it will return again hold it down Goes all the way let go it returns now Right now it is in full mode so that’s Opened up to full capacity now full Capacity is supposed to be an inch and a Quarter Well not sure where that inch and a Quarter is measured but let’s check that Out So it looks like right here at the tip Let’s see here Yeah that’s about right I mean it’s I Was I was wondering if it would be all The way out here but no that’s it looks Like it’s kind of right in the cutting Area That let’s see here 1.25 will be inch and a quarter so inch And a quarter right there so looks like You can get an inch and a quarter limb In there and it be able to cut that so That is full capacity or that’s the full Mode so if I go into half mode And you see now it returns half now the Cool thing about that is not just that You can cut Half the amount of diameter but it’s a Lot faster it’s like 40 percent faster

Because to return It has to go halfway so if you’re Cutting a lot of small limbs which most Of the time I would think your pruning Is probably going to be in that half Inch range then you can set it to this Half mode and just go to town of doing Your small pruning and then when you Need to go back to full mode And there you go So very easy to switch between that full And half mode also if you leave the tool For an extended amount of time it will Automatically shut off so you don’t have To worry about it and if you want to Return the tool into the closed mode so You want to put the cover back on the Shears that’s not going to go on with The shears open oh wow it does that’s Pretty cool so you can put the cover With the shears open that’s great to Know but if you want to close those and Leave it there’s a couple of ways you Can do this So hold the button down and then just Press the power button and now when you Release the Jaws are closed another Simple way I could see this being in the Field you make your last cut Let’s turn this back on So you make your last cut just pull the Battery out and there you have it so now You’re ready the next time and by the Way when you return or when you turn the

Tool back on it’s going to stay in the Mode you had it in so if you had it in Half mode it will return or it will Power on in half mode if you had it in Full mode it’s going to turn back on in Full mode We also have a typical M12 fuel gauge Right there for the battery Turn that on and when I pull the trigger You see we get our indicator our four Indicator lights there telling us the Status charge of the battery it also Included on the tool is this wrist strap So you can kind of have it dangle it off Your wrist if you want to that will come On the tool and you can obviously take That off if you want Now quickly let’s Get a general measurement of the Tool uh So front to back looking at about 14 and A half inches and width-wise it’s pretty Narrow tool about two and a half inches At its widest point it’s a very light Tool as well but we’ll go ahead and get An actual weight With the two amp hour battery three Pounds three and a half ounces so less Than three and a half pounds that’s Actually three and a quarter pounds with The battery on it so very light tools So let’s talk about down the road so You’ve made a few thousand cuts and You’re noticing some performance drop Off it’s not cutting as quickly you’ve Probably got a dull blade there’s a

Couple of things we can do there number One we can replace this blade number two We could actually sharpen the blade well To do that we need to open these Jaws so Let’s quickly Open those up Pull the battery out We’ll go over a couple of things number One so now the Jaws are fully open in The full mode so we’ve got them open as Far as possible you could probably get In there with a small file and actually Dress that edge on that blade and Probably get by and and keep on cutting If you wanted to do that you could Definitely do it just be very careful Not to hit this edge here you want that Edge nice and flat not rounded not Beveled so you wouldn’t want to hit that With the file also when sharpening you Never want to sharpen this side you may Want to take it with the with the flat Side and keep it nice and flat if There’s a burr on it but you don’t want To Bevel on this side you only want the Bevel on this side there’s another Opportunity you could take like a Dremel Tool or the M12 rotary tool with a Little drum on it or a stone on it and You could dress that blade up a little Bit that way as well but again try not To get into that and then if if you Don’t want to sharpen it or you want to Actually sharpen it on a vise or

Something like that or just replace the This blade because Milwaukee does offer Replacement blades as well well to do That It’s pretty simple but we do have to put The battery back in Power this up And now we’ve got the Jaws closed and You see three Allen head screws here now The manual says that we need to take all Three of those out we do not have to do That so we’re going to take these two Out here these are five millimeter hex So five millimeter Allen wrench And by the way these two here have some Blue Loctite on them but they let go not Too bad a little bit of force they let Go now you it may be in the case like in This it’s pretty tough to get that out It’s nice and stiff If we opened it up we may be able to get It out but then it hides these screws Back into this plastic cover we don’t Want to do that this screw here you do Not have to take this out Give it a couple of half turns And then that will come out and you see The Horseshoe shape here does not Require that we have to pull that screw All the way out now I’ll tell you what It does do so let’s put that back in so We can put our new blade back in And by the way with that blade worn you May be able to pull that out with that

Screw tight however one moment let’s get These tight Those nice and snug And you’ll see here There’s some play in those jaws and the Reason is this is your tensioner right Here so this actually sets the tension On those two blades so you want to get Those nice and snug and now it’ll take The tension out of that but you don’t Have to take that all the way out Now let’s take this out and actually use It and see how well it does so we’ll Start here with some crepe myrtles They’re some of the biggest pain to cut Whether you’re using a pruning Blade With a Sawzall or even using a small Chainsaw they can just be very rubbery And just a pain so we’ll go ahead Power up we’re in full mode No problem at all let’s go to half mode These are small enough Yeah that makes it a lot quicker So still in half mode We’ll switch back to full mode Getting into the heavier stuff Very quick Single pass Looks like it hung up on that one Back to smaller So definitely these smaller No problem But these larger A little bit more difficult

The second approach It will get it Another real pain especially here in Florida are these Palmetto bushes or Like palm tree limbs they’re very Fibrous and really get caught up in saws So if you can do it with a pruning shear Wow that makes it very quick usually These things are very stringy as you can See there I pull one off there you see how stringy They get but with this Very quick Okay thought we’d give a real quick Measurement to the couple that it had a Little bit of trouble with So it looks like right at capacity some Places a little more than capacity so I’m still impressed again with these Crepe myrtles they’re just a pain in the Tail and then these Palmetto limbs Anybody with these knows exactly what I’m talking about very fibrous and just A pain to cut with any saw because it Likes to get bound up in the teeth but The Pruning Shear was the perfect match for This We thought the M12 pruning Shear did Very well it cut right at the capacity They said it would and again cutting Those crepe myrtles cutting those uh Those Palmetto bushes those are just a Pain to do I’m sure there’s other harder

Woods out there as well but we wanted to Touch on some of the pain in the tails That we actually encounter from time to Time so we think it does very well it’s Much easier to just clip clip clip clip Clip than running a saw and again Getting fibers caught in the saw and uh You know a rotating blade things like That you still have to look out for this Year obviously it could take a finger Off as well but the safety features do a Very good job of making sure that you’re Ready to cut before it actually Accidentally runs if you will also easy To maintain this uh replace blades if You if you want to by the way a Replacement blade runs about 30 bucks as Well as they have a full holster as well Where you can put on your belt to slide The whole thing in and that’s going to Run about thirty dollars also now Pricing on this is 199 dollars as a bare Tool so no battery no charger 199. the Better buy really is 249 and that’s Going to give you the charger the tool And a 2 Amp Hour battery as well not the High capacity I just had this for show And tell if you will Um but anyway so 249 is going to get you The battery and the charger now this Shouldn’t come out until sometime in August probably middle of August I Believe I looked on Acme Tools and ship Date was like August 10th we’ll have a

Link in the description if you want to Go ahead and pre-order you can do so or If you just want to check it out you can Do that as well three year warranty on This tool check it out for yourself also Keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don’t mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven’t done so Already and by all means did you hate Our video well then give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why have a great day keep Smiling


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