Make ANY cheap RGB LED Light Strip SMART with this wifi controller!

By | April 8, 2023

hello everyone my name is Gael level and 
you're watching my tech channel today we're   going to be taking a look at those little rgb 
wi-fi controllers now if you're like me and   you know you started by buying very very cheap led 
slide strips when i first moved in this apartment   i couldn't afford anything else and to be honest 
i wasn't really um educated when it comes to all   the possibilities with rgb and home automation 
and stuff so i really really went and bought   so many of those cheap led strips they would go 
from anything from eight euros up to i don't know   12 euros was the max that i would pay for them 
sometimes with or without the little ac adapters   and they are fairly simple to use and that's 
what i loved about them it was super cheap and   i didn't understand why people didn't buy those 
more often turns out there's a bunch of things   that are not necessarily wrong but you know if 
it's cheap it's cheap for a reason anyways now   about seven years later i have an amazon echo most 
of my lights are automated and stuff like that and   i was wondering do i have to throw away my old 
rgb strips in order to have you know some smart   rgb strips if i want to change the color and stuff 
like that knowing that um the only thing that i   had was normal controllers that you can control 
with like a remote control like that how do i   make it smart of course there are smart plugs and 
stuff like that that help you turn it on and off   using voice control or your phone but i really 
wanted an rgb controller anyways i'm gonna stop   babbling too much so i found this thing on amazon 
that claims to be an rgb wi-fi controller and as   you can see up here it has the four little 
prongs that is often found on those cheap   rgb strips this is the classic hand thing 
there you go and um i think i have a converter   or something like that and basically this 
will help us through an app on our phone   to control it and also make it compatible with 
any home automation like uh google assistant or   amazon echo so let's try it out it's my first 
time uh opening it so this is what it looks like   it comes with those little ziploc bags like those 
oh here you have a little 3m adhesive back if you   want to you know set it somewhere that's always 
nice and actually there is that little adapter   that i was talking about it's cool i won't have 
to go and find one so that's great that's really   awesome that they provide that okay then you have 
the adapter itself here is where it will receive   the 12 volts usually 12 volts um at ac dc adapter 
sorry inside here you will find the setup step   it's what it says oh no it's it's also inverted 
oh my god there you go that makes more sense   all right so first thing they say is download 
the free app by scanning the bottom left qr code   free install the device and switch on the power 
open wi-fi setting on smartphone connect run magic   home pro blah blah blah okay okay it's saying that 
i need to connect to a specific wi-fi i don't like   that i don't like the idea of having to connect 
it to a specific wi-fi we'll see how that works   out okay i have an android phone here this is 
the samsung galaxy s20 fe which is fan edition   it's brand new we shouldn't have any problems 
with it and you can see the qr code they mentioned   at the bottom here okay and the app is magic 
home okay the thing with those controllers and   you know um any of those cheaper smart home 
compatible products is that they usually   require an app now i do my best to try to 
buy stuff that will work with the same app   but sometimes you know you don't have a choice 
and it's like the the the choice between the   money and and a different app and stuff like that 
you just don't have a choice so you buy something   that will have a different app and that puts you 
like in a weird position where you have three or   four apps to control all of your different home 
devices but once they're installed and they're   connected i don't worry about them because i 
activate them with my home automation system via   my amazon echo i shouldn't call it home automation 
it's just it's just through amazon it's fine okay   and then from there i can just go ahead and scan 
the qr code it is also on the product itself the   qr code but that's always great so let me put it 
up right and just scan it and it tells me to tap   and it will bring me to a website i might already 
have magic pro installed magic home let me check   real quick some way that i try to cheat sometimes 
is using my previous apps and trying to find   those um those devices with my old apps 
hoping that it works it only worked once   i'm gonna go ahead and try to plug it in so i 
have my little cable here and this is uh coming   from a 12 volts and we'll see what happens when 
i plug it in i'm guessing there's no leds on this   it says 5 to 28 volts so that's always good does 
it fit it does fit at least i should have done   this before plugging it in so do not copy the 
way i do it and make sure you plug everything in   before but it's 12 volts okay it won't kill 
me but still safety number one priority   and you will see a little red thingy see that 
red part make sure you find it also on this   plug you will see a little arrow at the bottom 
here there you go and you need to align them   there you go okay so i'm getting a certain effect   so that's a good sign right that this 
is a controller and it controls the leds   also my leds are working because we're getting 
red green and blue i have some of my leds where   i fried like a single color and stuff like that i 
really really do not want to sign in on the magic   home app magic home let's make an account on magic 
home add device i really really hope i don't um   i don't already have an account user 
already exists i already have an account   i am losing my mind apparently i already have an 
account okay then we have the normal permission   request you need to access your location in 
order to scan for wi-fi and blah blah blah   if you tap ok allow only while using the app okay 
you don't need to know where i'm at at all times   does it make sense we didn't find your device um 
okay manual connection let's try a rescan first   oh there you go it found something happens 
if i tap on it next we'll take android wi-fi   setting from here please stop on and i'll show oh 
never mind okay it will take me there and led net   okay so i'm connected well it's connecting 
you didn't get ip address oh no come on   nope connecting again connected 
let's try going back to the app   not this one oh i'm still on the app checking 
the quality of your internet connection   internet may not be available come on now if 
you stay connected with this wi-fi network your   phone will also stay connected whenever you use 
this network and yeah yeah keep wi-fi connection   for now just bring me back to the app connected 
without internet okay so it basically connected me   out of my wifi try to get back to the app so i 
went back to the app and it's showing me a wi-fi   list again without me being in my phone settings 
right indeed so now i can tap uh i need to i can   tap on my actual wi-fi and uh now i need to type 
my wi-fi password okay so i typed in my wi-fi   password let's hit confirm controller 84 yeah 
i'll probably delete it later on because i need   to install it on other stuff like this um this 
shelf right there this is where i'm gonna put   this although i could name it right now i'm gonna 
name it shelflight all right okay so it's here   in my list i can group it or whatever and i can 
tap on it and as you can see here it's on green okay it's annoying because like the brightness 
is too the brightness is too high let me try   to do something about the brightness so 
you guys can really see the color change   and the middle supposed to be white 
but i'm getting very very very blue lights okay cool thing is that it works there is a 
mic setting at the bottom of the app there   is a mic setting as you can see in the middle 
here and it's using my mic to react to my voice   apparently that's the thing those those cheap 
um those cheap apps usually do which is so cool   all right there's also music but you would have to 
play the music from your phone and stuff like that   functions seven color crossfade i have a 
list of functions i only have part of this   lighting up actually half of it is not 
even on just realized oh there you go is   it's like a bad connection somewhere okay so this 
is supposed to be a seven color crossfade but   it's like the slowest crossfade you've ever seen 
that's cool strobe flash seven color strobe flash   and at the bottom here you 
actually have a speed ramp oh this is horrible okay this is what they mean 
by actual strobe flash green strobe flash that's   that's not good red blue cross cross 
fade let's put green blue cross fade   there's so much there's so much and then 
there's custom where you can create your own   stuff anyways i think that's uh that's enough 
okay now how do i connect it to my actual um   echo i'm gonna tap on the menu here and 
here it says third party services and   here's going to bring me to the screen and i'm 
going to have all the options there's ifttt   ifttt yeah there's google assistant and then 
there's the alexa there's huge who shall not be   named okay let's tap on it okay and then you have 
to sign in with your alexa account or your amazon   account and then you just follow the instructions 
and apparently that's it we're gonna test it out i   have the color shift right now this is not normal 
this is just because my connection is weak but   i'm gonna i'm not gonna use those those actual 
um led strips so oh never mind it's actually   already added since i authorized the app to use my 
account it already added it so i can turn it off and turn it on now i can say turn off shelf life 2.

I mispronounced that okay i said life instead of 
lights but she she recognized it so that works   so turn on shelf lights too there you go it's a 
little slow there but okay and uh let's try some   colors then so set shelf life 2 to blue works that 
works i can't say shelf lights for for to save   my life for some reason but uh she understands 
so that's what matters what's gonna happen now   is that i'm gonna be able to control this light i 
have another it's right there i'm gonna be able to   control this one and the other one right behind me 
thanks to those things because i actually bought a   second one all right so if i manage to find it on 
the us store because i live in france so i bought   it from amazon friends if i manage to buy it if i 
manage to find it on the us store or the uk store   there will be links in the description um it may 
not be the exact same one but it's gonna go with   the same principle uh if it's an amazon link 
and it's from the us or the uk it's gonna be   an affiliate link so if you decide to buy them uh 
and you buy them using my link i will get a little   bit of commission with no additional cost to you 
you know i made this channel because i really love   tech and i'm always buying tech so there it is 
i i really want to share my passion with you and   um hope hopefully you guys enjoy it okay i still 
don't have an outro for this um for this channel   but it's been a pleasure and um i will see 
you guys next time check out my other videos

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