Less than $500 Storage on Amazon – AECOJOY 8×10 Storage Shed

By | August 15, 2023


It seems that we never have enough storage space. AECOJOY reached out to us to ask if we would share our thoughts on their 8×10 storage shed. #sponsored We decided to build this metal shed on a wood deck that is also somewhat mobile. You can get this shed on Amazon for less than $500 and it weighs less than 200 lbs. #aecojoy #storage #amazon

AECOJOY 10′ x 8′ Metal Storage Shed:

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Welcome to the shop tour reviews mobile Office let’s go [Music] [Music] Okay this may not be our mobile office But a company called echojoy reached out To us and asked us if we’d be willing to Review or at least talk about uh their Storage buildings and we actually had a Project in mind so we asked him to send The 8×10 storage shed it’s not exactly Eight by ten it’s a little more than Eight feet it’s actually like 97 inches Which posed a little bit of a problem in Building a deck to put it on but anyway Because you have to buy 10 foot material In that eight foot material and then You’re dealing with you know wider than Two sheets of plywood or wider than the Length of plywood anyway you get it it’s A little more than eight feet and it’s Quite a bit less than 10 feet it’s like 114 inches or 114 and a half inches Something like that so less than 120 Inches less than 10 feet but again a Little more than eight feet not a huge Deal if you’re putting it on a concrete Slab or what have you can build that We’re building it on a a deck kind of a Modified deck um actually something like Skids we actually want to use it to Mobilize it a bit so something else in Mind other than a mobile office because This thing’s not insulated and it’s not

Cool especially in this Florida climate We’re building the deck or the base for The echo Joy 8×10 well almost eight by Ten shed and done a couple of things Different here using two by tens for the Link and or two by eights for the link And two by sixes on the front side and Then we’ve drilled some large uh one and A half inch holes here and we’re doing That to slide rebar through and use this For a special purpose we’ll show you at A later time So we’ve got our decking finished and Sealed up the edges we’re going to put Some tape on the edges as well just to Try to keep things sealed up as tight as Possible But we’ve got this all leveled up Decking on and we’re going to start Putting the base on again in an effort To keep as much moisture as possible out Of this wood and even though this is Kind of a temporary solution this whole Build we’re going to use this Zip system Stretch tape And typically you can use this around Any kind of protrusions around windows Around doors Plumbing Stacks anything like that let’s roll This down here I can stretch this stuff A ton if I want to I can easily stretch this stuff a lot

More Than I am You see how Good and sticky it is as well as how Well it stretches Into place Again that’s kind of Overkill For this job or for this solution but Still Showing you how versatile the stretch Tape is But anyway so Echo Joy sent us out the Building now let me lay this out for you That we’re talking an eight by ten Building now to build that you’d Probably be if you wanted to stick build It out of two by fours and lumber and And plywood you’d probably be in this For a couple of grand this is quite a Bit cheaper than that and it shows up in Three cardboard boxes at about 60 pounds A piece so you’re looking at all in less Than 200 pounds for this entire building Well that’s great for the shipping and The storage and the usability of moving Around the shop because you can pick up Each cardboard box they’re each you know Less than 60 pounds now when you think About it a complete eight by ten Building that’s less than 200 pounds and It’s only held down by four screws Same little short screws And we’ll run a little deck screw to Sink that down for now

We’re not sure if it’s going to outlast The first Florida thunderstorm but we Shall see anyway just wanted to share That with you that it is a pretty light Building when it shows up so it’s easy To handle again it’s going to show up in In three cardboard packages it is easy To handle however it is also made of Very thin gauge steel we actually Measured it on our steel gauge and it Was on the basically the thinnest Setting I believe it’s 24 gauge uh steel So it is quite light and quite flexible If you will and is held by little bitty Screws like this I don’t know they’re Probably a little more than a quarter Inch long and you get some that are Machine screws with screws and nuts and Some that are just metal screws that you Screw into little small holes and be Careful because you can over torque them And obviously strip it out and then You’re dealing with something way more Than we intend to deal with when you’re Buying a metal building like this now Most of the shed is held together by These two types of screws right here so Machine screws and nuts and just some Coarse thread like quarter inch long Screws And by the way be very careful because These things are very sharp and I just Got cut probably a second time so again Very careful there’s little pieces of

Metal that are hanging over on a lot of These edges now I went together pretty Easy I mean you can follow through with The instructions but and you can follow It Page by page but it really doesn’t Give you a lot of detail on what to do First in each section now again if you Have any knowledge of building things You can probably figure it out but it’s Not the best and doesn’t give you a lot Of of written text to follow just some Pictures that you’ve got to figure out And some of them are a little bit Different than actually what it shows on Here but you can see this time lapse of Us actually building this it will Probably take you most of a day to Actually build one with a little help You maybe knock it out in a half a day Or so but for the most part you should Intend on on sinking a day into building This and they come with these gloves Highly recommend you wearing these Gloves or maybe even reaching out and Getting a pair of better cut proof Gloves because you will get cuts all Over your hands if you’re not using Gloves because there’s little shards of Metal sharp edges on the corners all of These things will actually cut you Pretty easily now there’s not a lot of Rigidity to this but once you do get it Together it does handle pretty well as Far as you know not being able to shake

Around the doors don’t seal really Really well there’s pretty big gaps in Between the doors and there’s not a big Locking mechanism which again you Wouldn’t expect that out of a shed like This great for putting in rakes and Shovels maybe lawn mowers and things Like that and storing those things As far as leaking we’re not how sure how Well it’s going to handle the Watershed Because it comes with all these Prefabbed holes in them to match up the Basically you have a big hole overlying A smaller hole and then you run the Screw in into the smaller hole and That’s what holds down like the roof Sheathing but the oval in the the large Hole in the roof sheathing The plastic washers that come with it There’s supposed to kind of seal any of The exterior it doesn’t totally Encapsulate the whole oval so we think We’re probably going to have some water Intrusion from that even though we can’t See gaps we’re just talking about Metal Laying on top of the metal so you may Find some areas where the water tries to Seep through those so don’t look for This to be a you know an all sealed in Type of unit also the ridge cap doesn’t Cover a lot of the of the actual opening At the top of the roof seating so if you Get any wind blown rain you’re probably Going to get some precipitation running

Into that that Peak with that said yes This is not the most rigid structure we Have ever built and it’s not going to be Like if you stick built something or buy Bought a you know prefab metal building Something like that however this is 500 All in I think 478 dollars that you can Buy on Amazon have it shipped to your House within probably a day or two and Have it up within a day or two so if you Look looking for cheap storage and maybe Looking to just get a couple three five Years out of this to to house some you Know shovels rakes Lawn Equipment things Like that that’s a perfect structure for That and again you’re you’re talking About very cheap and you can get started Right away we mounted this on like a Skid so that we can pull it around if we Need to Foreign Actually worked quite well as we Mentioned you’re only talking adding 200 Pounds on top of you know whatever the Skid’s gonna weigh you’re putting it on And we built this out of two by sixes And two by eight so the deck probably Weighs much more than the actual Building does and it pulls around quite Nicely with just a a small side by side So check it out for yourselves we’ll Have a link in the description also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tech talking hey if you

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