LED lights RF interference fix, for education only

By | March 11, 2023

hi Paul here K8IO, going to talk about
LED lights. I've got some really nice LED shop lights, sorry for burning your
retinas out, These lights can be hooked up in such a manner that you can run the power end to
the end through one and then it runs through this one and there's a stubby
plug that goes in between, and then they give you a long cord also. Let me turn the
light back on so we get some decent video and it runs over to that light so
they give you several options. I've got a plus, a regular power cord of course for
each light.

Alright let's go back to the spectrum analyzer I'm looking at 27
megahertz it's just happened to be in the middle of CB radio band go to 28 29
30 it's pretty awful. let me get on my soapbox here a little bit. I think the
FCC does the LED lighting industry and the radio industry in general a great
dis-service by allowing lights like this to be manufactured. Basically these are
manufactured under part 15 of the FCC rules which mean that basically they are
in non-incidental radiators and it must accept interference and it cannot cause
interference to any other service. so your recourse on these really isn't much
other than they'll say , well you know they will probably give you your money back but
other than that there's no real recourse so
this is what I will prove it's the lights I'm gonna turn this one off
and you can see it goes away, on off and I can improve it by even doing the other
one what I did I've made a all right I went to the surplus store here Midwest
surplus in Fairborn Ohio sells these for a buck 95 apiece
they're 125 to 250 volts 1 amp which is more than enough current to handle
several of these lights in a string and their chokes and capacitors and filtered
and so on and so forth great little filters that'll knock a
signal down about 50 DB in the HF range for radio signals really nice filters
and I'm sure they were more expensive what I did was I took one of the jumper
cords that is set up to go between lights and I put this filter on and this
will plug right in to the light to the power feeding over to the other light
just one filter and give me a second here and I will change this out matter
of fact let's see if I can change it one-handed first thing I got to do is
unhook the probe and then I've got to stand up here let's turn it out and bear
with me drop that cord out plug this one in come over here to this
room put that cord in it's tough to do one-handed and speaking of doing things
one-handed here's the real trick right here and that is there so I basically clamped the probe
to the wire in about same place as you can see filter all
right you can see the RF spectrum clean here comes the light well look at that a
little bit of noise but made a big difference.

I would say if I add
another filter probably over on the other end of this thing it would make a
huge difference but that filter cost a buck 95 at the surplus store and it's
literally external to the light. The power supply by the way is right here inside and then
there's power runs all the way down to a plug same thing power supply and then
the power plug comes in that end so I'll put another one down there right down on
that end and I might even put one over here on this end and see if that doesn't
filter out most of the noise. But you can see it made a big difference if anybody knows of better lights out
there maybe ones that are made for Europe I'd sure love to know about them.
I can't seem to find anything rfi filtered for for LED lights but it is possible to
clean up LED lights and the amount of cost of the manufacturer would be
pennies I sure wish they'd would do a better job
of making clean lights.

All right have a good one okay K8IO.

As found on YouTube