By | December 15, 2022


1) Hornady® RAPiD® Safe Night Guard™

2) Locking Trunk Rifle Cabinet

3) Tactical Walls Top Locking Concealment Shelf

4) Guitar Rifle Case (Preview)

5) QuickSafes QuickVent

6) Gun Bed

7) Small Hidden Gun Storage Bookcase

8) Under Seat Pick-Up Truck Locking Gun Cabinet
8.1 Armored Mercedes Police Car Door Mounted Guns (Preview)

9) DIY Door Frame Hidden Compartment

10) Timber Vaults Occasional Table

11) ArmA15 AR15

12) Hidden gun storage bed

00:00 – Hornady® RAPiD® Safe Night Guard™
01:05 – Locking Trunk Rifle Cabinet
01:52 – Timber Vaults Occasional Table
02:48 – Guitar Rifle Case
03:32 – QuickSafes QuickVent
04:08 – Gun Bed
05:03 – Small Hidden Gun Storage Bookcase
06:06 – Under Seat Pick-Up Truck Locking Gun Cabinet
06:51 – Armored Mercedes Police Car Door Mounted Guns
07:27 – DIY Door Frame Hidden Compartment
08:06 – ArmA15 AR15
09:10 – Hidden gun storage bed
09:58 – Tactical Walls Top Locking Concealment Shelf

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[Music] Thank you The perfect bedside companion that keeps Your handgun as close as your nightstand Is basically the concept behind this Safe it's disguised as an electronic Clock and uses RFID technology for Access just like bank cards the Designers believe that it's much faster Than using a code or fingerprint and up To five different tags can be set the Overall dimensions are the save for 12 By 10 and a half inches while the Interior measures 9.2 by 6.9 inches the Safe can be powered by an electrical Outlet or AAA batteries and if you want To feel safer you can use a security Cable to protect your safe from theft Please make a version with a working Alarm clock suggests one User it's Priced at 334 dollars [Music] This trunk upgrade is only available to Law enforcement and security Personnel This is a compact gun cabinet for weapon And ammunition Transportation it's easy To install and fits in a wide range of Vehicles the basic version costs about Nineteen hundred dollars and offers a 3.4 by 1.6 foot section The Gun Locker Is made of steel and comes with a padded Cover and velcro straps a pleasant bonus Is the remote control these lockers are Manufactured in the United States and

Considering that in 2015 there were 245 Police officers per 100 000 population they are sure to be Popular [Music] Responsible gun ownership means storing Guns in a safe and secure manner gun Safe solves this problem but they're not Easy to install in an apartment let Alone open quickly having come to these Conclusions the workers of an American Company have invented some stylish Furniture which will allow you to Quickly arm yourself like in the movie Mr and Mrs Smith the company's motto is In a time of need be prepared you'll Find tables shelves mirrors and more the Furniture unlocks in seconds thanks to RFID technology installation simple for Example the Shelf is simply mounted on a Bracket and ready to use the price Depends on the size for example a shelf For a shotgun two pistols and their Magazines costs 370 dollars Foreign Product you've probably seen in the Movies a guitar case for storing weapons You can see something similar in the Movie Desperado and now it's available To anyone with a hundred and seventy Dollars to spare according to the seller These cases are made in the same Factories as regular cases thus they not Only look attractive but also help to

Tow would-be thieves the interior is 42 Inches long up to 17 inches wide and it Comes with three soft foam inserts each One inch thick the case's impact water And dust resistant and is also easy to Clean [Music] Foreign The building in which John McLean from Die Hard performed his stunts didn't Have these safes they look like elements Of the ventilation system much like the Ones John McLean crawled through during The movie The version on the screens Uses the RFID system and can be opened With a card key fob or token included in The kit the design allows the safe to Blend into any wall and is so successful That it's won several Awards it's priced At 260 dollars Foreign Peacefully in your bed and suddenly you Hear that there's someone in the house One move and you have your trusty Shotgun in your hand now you can check If everything's in order sounds like a Scene from a movie doesn't it but it's Actually a mass-produced device from a US company the basic version costs seven Hundred dollars and comes unpainted so Customers can choose the color they want The width of the Interior is 46 inches But if that's not enough the Manufacturer is willing to create a

Custom version installation is so simple That only a screwdriver is needed in Addition solid wood is used so that you Can even pass it onto your descendants And it's worth mentioning that in the US The average police response time is 4 to 35 minutes [Music] Experts once calculated how many weapons The U.S civilian population has on hand The result was about 393 million units if Americans donated Their guns to Ghana every Ghanaian would Have at least 10 guns so the popularity Of these cabinets in the United States Is understandable this one is a wooden Construction handmade with a classic Design and of course it accommodates a Whole Armory inside the cabinet holds Rifles shotguns pistols and other Weapons as well as supplies and Ammunition the cabinet's 41 inches wide And 60 inches high and is available in Different Woods such as oak or Maple the Lacquer is resistant to water and many Household chemicals including nail Polish remover and acetone prices for This useful and practical piece of Furniture are available upon request [Music] Pouring guns in vehicles is oftentimes Frowned upon mainly because the car or Pickup truck is not equipped with the Space for storing weapons properly the

Design is right the solution to that Problem is to modify the seats for gun Storage once upgraded the seats are easy To lift with one hand and there's a clip For weapons on the bottom the clip can Be unlocked with an RFID key fob or by Entering a code on the built-in panel According to their creators the mounts Fit a wide variety of weapons are easy To install and even easier to use and of Course they're Compact and take up no Space inside [Music] These solutions by the way have been Used for quite some time this Mercedes-Benz 420 SE guard was used in The past as an escort to transport money To the bank it's known that only five Such cars were built successfully Working for 20 years these cars not only Have guns on all four doors but also B5 Level armor this car can withstand the Impact of an M16 rifle at a distance of 33 feet [Music] This handyman was building a house and Decided to create his own safe to do so He modified a door frame and passable Wall is made of plasterboard so the job Didn't take him long the result is a Frame that can be lifted up thanks to a Hinge giving access to a space to store Anything from a spare set of car days to A gun the author plans to improve the

Design in the future the idea is to add Magnetic latches but it was a good idea To demonstrate all of this on video and Thus reveal the secret The AR-15 rifle was first manufactured More than 50 years ago but it remains Popular in the United States as a Hunting and self-defense weapon in 2016 There were about 10 million rifles owned By residents of that country so Manufacturers of various storage systems Are trying to turn this fact into money The result is very interesting Solutions Such as this storage and transportation System the key feature is that it was Made from scratch instead of Manufacturing yet another safe the Engineers came up with a compact locking Device four seconds and the gun is ready To fire but if someone tries to pull a Rifle off the wall it will take a lot of Effort about 3500 pounds of force the Special lock can be easily opened even With one hand in the dark and the device Can be camouflaged with a normal jacket The price is a hundred and ten dollars An unexpected question how much can a Bet cost the swedes once presented an Option for 390 000 but here's a model that exceeds it In at least one respect it's equipped With hiding places for weapons on your Screen you can see a handmade bed which The author not only assembled but also

Designed himself it's made of solid Cedar which means that it's extremely Durable and inside the sections you can Put a whole arsenal people in the Comments are delighted and ask for Instructions on how to make their own Version however the author didn't answer Whether his wife liked the bed Foreign [Music] This option on the other hand is less Expensive starting at 540 and anyone can Buy it this concealment shelf is perfect For storing rifles up to 42 inches in Length and it's just as easy to install As a conventional shelf it operates with Pneumatic release includes two magnetic Keys and is made of real wood nine color Schemes make it easy to fit into any Interior and of course the Shelf is Perfect for placing various souvenirs And trinkets if only because the total Load capacity is 40 pounds 20 in the Interior section and 20 on the Shelf Foreign Lazy it's time to use that brain of Yours welcome to brain time incredible Facts from the past the present and even The future the power of nature and wild Animals amazing facts and Unsolved Mysteries you'll find all this and much More here subscribe now you won't regret It [Music]

Thank you Foreign