By | March 3, 2023

hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm liss 
charlton if you're new here welcome i love please   just hit that little subscribe button subscribe 
to the channel turn on the post notifications   that way when i upload a new video every single 
week you don't be so sick you don't wanna miss   out also ensure to follow me on my instagram 
@lisscharlton and while you're at it just look   over to my business page as well and give it 
a follow and support i really appreciate that   so in today's video i have a bit of a different 
one i was going shopping on shein and i saw that   they sell really really nice phone cases and i 
really want to try them out because this phone   case they look jacked up at the moment so it was 
a beautiful opportunity to just grab some phone   cases but of course knowing me i went ham and i 
picked up a bit more than i should have which is i   picked up a whole bunch of phone cases yes this is 
about 20 phone cases that i picked up so i'm going   to be showing you guys quickly what i picked up 
i don't want this video to be too long and boring   so i'm going to show you guys quickly what i 
picked up and also i i think i'm going to be doing   a giveaway of these of some of the phone cases 
here um so i have a an iphone 11 a bold iphone 11   case and i think there's another iphone that uses 
the same case as well i can't remember um i can't   remember but i'm gonna be doing a giveaway of some 
of the cases stay tuned to the end of the video   where i'll be telling you guys a little bit more 
about that so let's go right in i'm just going to   show you the phone cases as they are now and then 
of course from a phone but let's just go ahead but   does this start with the one that's on my phone 
at the moment is this really really nice like croc   one like gold details here around the side um 
up here around here it's really really nice it's   it's i love it like when i saw it i said okay i 
definitely have to put this one on my mobile phone   because it's so cute it's literally so cute and 
black and gold love it um so the other phone case   is this one of course i will be showing you guys 
a little bit better is this one here and this is   it's kind of like a plastic case it's quite flimsy 
um the case is there but if you want something   like real quick real cute you can just throw this 
one on this one does have my initial and on it as   well which is l for list yeah this one just have 
like um some wording on it and then they have like   a big orange red angel that just says be your 
be yourself and i think it was really really   cute again it's the same flimsy um material i 
don't think this will protect your phone at all   like i said it's just really really cute that's 
why i ended up picking it up moving on to another   one in the same i think most of them are in the 
same like plastic material this just have like um   some money on it really really nice and it just 
has like the foaming thing in it as well i think   this was just really cute very flimsy but um yeah 
just nice you're gonna hear me say cute a lot in   this video because i picked them out so they are 
cute um the next one i have is this one it just   has like a little rubber on it the material here 
is not that great um to be honest with you it's   kind of like a i don't know how to explain the 
material but it just feels weird and it just have   like a black rubber around the rim and it comes 
with like this little pop socket which i think is   really really cute just put it on the phone here 
and this is what it will look like and i think you   can pull this one up of course just to put your 
finger through the back next up we have this one   when i saw it i know that i had to get it because 
it has like this camera at the back this look like   it's the same flimsy one but it looks like it just 
print like the photo on it which is like it's okay   i mean it looks nice on the phone if you have it 
like hello what's up what's up but yeah this is   the one with the camera at the back and it's 
pink and just really really nice i love this   we have a lot to run through i'm trying to 
do this as quick as possible okay moving on the next one is a orange case this plastic 
material is a bit thicker than the other one   but this kind of have like um i guess some tickets 
and then you have like 18 plus restrictions just   something just paste all over it which i think 
is really different and nice so i had to get   this one it's just because it's in orange i have 
no color like this so that's why i picked it   up super super cute next up is this cream color 
one here this is kind of in like a rubber material   the quality is a bit better of course on this one 
and this is how it looks i love the abstract face   that's um there i kind of have like a similar 
um tattoo here kind of like an abstract thing   so that kind of reminds me of it i don't know why 
so um i said okay let me just get this cause it's   cute it's nice right so the next one is a lavender 
one and i just realized that this one matches my   nails actually it does this so much is my nails i 
might change my phone case to this one i know and   i got this because i love traveling with traveling 
so much and these have like a boarding pass   on it um yeah you just have like a boarding pass 
on it and i love the color that's why i got it   really really nice the other one as well is in the 
same color which is a lavender color this one is   just a little bit different because it has like 
the card holder at the back which is really nice   i mean if you carry a cutter on you can just throw 
it in there either your id postcard whatever throw   it at the back and you're gonna roll you don't 
have to really think about much so i think that   was really really cute the next one that i have 
is a black case and it's in like a rubber material   but it's not like a silicone rubber that you 
think it'd be this one says you only get one   life it's actually your duty to live it as fully 
as possible me before you and that's the fact   always and this is how it looks and i just love 
the writing at the back i think this is the   reason why i got this one so the next phone case 
here um if you guys are seeing light at the back   um it's the sun set right now and i just don't 
know where else to film because i'm already here   so okay let me just sit on right there so and 
film the video so this one is just in a brown   chocolate color which i think is really nice um 
again the quality of the photo at the back is   not that great it just looks like they're pretty 
something i put it on the back but other from that   is cute even when it's like far it's nice and 
it just says case case i think they're kind of   um it's kind of like a replica for casify you know 
case if i those phone cases so they're expensive   only thing this is like from sheen um and it 
pretty much look the same so this is how this one   looks and it says good things are coming at the 
back the next phone case is just this one it says   keep smiling baby girl if you can dream it you can 
do it and this this is how it looks at the back   you right i think because i'm showing you guys 
like this there's no need for me to put up like a   video with my phone in it because it's pretty much 
the same thing so the next phone case is something   similar to the orange one um not the orange yeah 
something similar to the orange one but it's in   this clear white and i just love the patches on 
this one it just looks really really nice and it   just give it like a vibe you know like a vibe it's 
cute i love it i don't have much to say about it   to be honest i'm just showing you guys the phone 
cases the next case that i picked up from she in   um it's just a really simple one but it's giving 
me like a pure abstract vibe with this print   at the back which i think is so cute like the 
colors that they use is just really really nice   and the next one we're still going how 
many cases did i purchase oh my gosh the   next one is just this black one i love the the 
material of this black one the one the i love   the material that i used to make this one and 
this is what this one is looking like this one   just have like some newspaper patches over 
it which is i think it's really really cute   so let's go back to the one that i couldn't 
open let me see if i can finally open it   there we go so this one is same material 
clear case with just some patches at the back   and this is what this one looks like like 
honestly guys i don't know what much to say   about phone cases don't like show you pretty much 
what it looks like and then we have one more here   and this one i think is my i don't know if it's 
my favorite but it's just different it's cute   and this is what it's looking like just the color 
on it in general and then you kind of have like   just this what you call it like a chain   at the bottom which i think is really really nice 
so that is it for this little you know phone case   haul and if you guys are interested to enter the 
giveaway ensure that you check out the next clip   after this to know how you can enter don't forget 
to like this video if you enjoyed it and subscribe   to my channel for more videos like this and i'll 
catch you in the next one watch the next script if you reach this far in the video 
that mean you are interested in   entering the giveaway of the phone cases 
so i'll be giving away five phone cases to   one of you guys you'll be able to pick 
which one of the phone cases you like   that's fair that's fair yeah so you'll be able to 
pick from the bunch of phone cases which one of   the phone cases you like if you're a winner 
i'll contact you and then you can pick then   so you must be subscribed to my youtube channel 
also follow me on my instagram @lisscharlton   and also leave a comment below of what type of 
video you are interested in and want to see from   myself with that comment and show that you guys 
leave your instagram at so that i can go ahead and   double check to see if you follow all the terms of 
this video unfortunately the giveaway will be open   to just the uk lord knows postage is a myth 
so we have to keep it tight for now hopefully   one day we can do a bigger giveaway where 
everyone can enter but for now is just the uk   so all the details for the giveaway and all you 
can enter will be down in the description box   ensure that you check the description box for 
the details of the giveaway and go ahead and   enter and good luck good luck because these 
phone cases are hella cute and i know you   guys want them i know you want them so go ahead 
and enter that giveaway and let's do this bye you

As found on YouTube