How Many Lights Can You Plug in a Row?

By | February 5, 2023

g'day this is anthony king one of the 
consultants with Rainbow holiday design   just a question we get asked often is how many 
lights can you put in a row before the circuit   breaks? So at Rainbow we use commercial 
grade lights like these c9 bulbs you see   behind us these go in an explosion like 
behind me or they can go on a roof line.   The commercial quality LEDs that we use can go 
500 bulbs in a row and then the mini lights we   use to do wraps or drapes you'll see on our trees 
can be 3500 bulbs in a row. Now when you guys are   going to the big box box stores to get your 
lights we recommend that you do get the LEDs   because they're going to put less pressure on 
the fuses, but also have a look at that packet,   make sure you're putting the right amount of 
bulbs in a row so you're not blowing fuses   and spoiling the fun this holiday season because 
we want you to be safe and have a great holiday   season and if you need anything give us a 
call at rainbow holiday design thank you

As found on YouTube