By | July 11, 2023

Salty Popcorn ►

1) Yarbo

2) BG-Mosquitaire

3) Makita DCU604 18V LXT

4) Hozelock EasyMix 2-in-1

5) Gopher Hawk

6) Roamwild Multi-Digger Weeder

7) SelfEco Pot

8) Gardena Zoommax (preview)

9) Bypass Tree Lopper (preview)

10) EGO Misting Fan

11) Edyn (preview)

12) Aqua Joe AJ-ET2Z

13) Wire Tightener (preview)

13.1) Drahtspanner (preview)

14) Gardena Micro-Drip (preview)

00:00 – Yarbo
01:30 – BG-Mosquitaire
02:29 – Makita DCU604 18V LXT
03:28 – Hozelock EasyMix 2-in-1
04:30 – Gardena Zoommax
05:44 – Roamwild Multi-Digger Weeder
06:39 – SelfEco Pot
07:44 – Bypass Tree Lopper
08:44 – EGO Misting Fan
09:42 – Edyn
10:56 – Aqua Joe AJ-ET2Z
11:43 – Wire Tightener + Drahtspanner
12:44 – Gardena Micro-Drip
13:40 – Gopher Hawk

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[Music] Thank you At the Consumer Electronics Show CES 2023 you'll find more than just Smartphones and Ultrabooks introducing Yarbo a hard-working Garden robot Designed to tackle various tasks Throughout the year here are the Functions it offers mowing lawns with Adjustable height and width settings Removing snow and throwing it up to a Distance of 12 meters and removing Leaves and debris with a powerful Airflow of 192 kilometers per hour Equivalent to a category 3 hurricane on The Safir Simpson scale yarbo offers two Hours of lawn mowing 90 minutes of snow Removal and approximately 50 minutes of Leaf and debris cleaning on a single Charge as the user all you need to do is Draw the working area on your smartphone And the robot will autonomously find the Most efficient route the price of yarbo Varies depending on the modules selected For example a set with a long Mower and Blower can be purchased for thirty four Hundred dollars [Music] If you hate mosquitoes you'll love Iceland this country is mosquito free Possibly due to its climate or the Unique composition of its Soil and Water Meanwhile residents of other countries Have to rely on mosquito control

Products fortunately there's one Available now that imitates our breath And skin scent it attracts mosquitoes Within an impressive area of up to 600 Square meters almost the size of a Tennis court this scientifically proven And passenger technology is non-toxic And can be optimally placed in the Bushes as long as it's protected from The wind the price for this product is Two hundred dollars [Music] Makita the renowned Japanese Construction giant has been in the Business for a hundred years and has had Time to explore the gardening industry The company has taken the traditional Garden wheelbarrow to the next level Turning it into an electric pickup Capable of carrying 300 kilograms at Once With four speeds four batteries Headlights a tail light a warning beeper And a weight of 112 kilograms it's an Impressive machine it can work Continuously for about a hundred minutes And reach speeds of up to 5 kilometers Per hour moreover the power regulator Ensures constant speed even with varying Loads and a protection system cuts off Power when the battery charge is low the Price is equally impressive at fifty six Hundred dollars [Music]

Because of this composter urge us to Give Back To Nature what nature gave us Designed with maximum eco-friendliness In mind this composter is made up of 90 Recycled plastic and is three times Faster than its competitors it takes Just six to eight weeks to produce Compost and all you need to do is rotate The drum once or twice a week when the Composter is 75 full you can expect to Obtain around 40 to 50 kilograms of Compost as an added bonus the composter Generates liquid fertilizer and collects It in a container which can be easily Connected to a garden hose to get your Hands on this eco-friendly Wonder you'll Need around a hundred and fifty dollars [Music] Foreign [Music] Let's take a look at the state of the German agricultural industry a local Farmer can provide food for 142 people And the country consistently ranks among The top three milk producers in the EU One of Germany's strengths lies in the Mechanization and automation of various Processes even extending to the Gardening gear Market Take for instance this seemingly simple Sprinkler that's actually part of a Sophisticated irrigation system Equipped with Advanced features like Multiple connected units a removable

Filter and infinitely adjustable Watering options this sprinkler is Designed for square and rectangular Areas up to 140 square meters moreover The system allows users to control and Customize settings remotely from Anywhere in the world through a Smartphone offering the convenience of Adjusting schedules and accessing a Plant library for reference [Music] Thank you [Music] Having dealt with moles and Gophers Let's move on to fighting stubborn weeds With this affordable 50 tool it may seem Straight out of a horror movie featuring A hoe with a serrated edge and a root Cutter ready to launch a psychological Attack on those pesky plants or to help You cut Twigs effortlessly weighing in At just two kilograms it's lighter than Most similar tools and perfectly Balanced reducing strain on your arms And back with his dual grips you'll Enjoy a secure hold giving your wrists a Comfortable experience this tool Guarantees reliability tackling weeding Removing Roots loosening soil and Cleaning up season after season even in Harsh conditions [Music] Thank you each year over 90 000 tons of Petroleum-based plant pots end up in

Landfills worldwide so why not make the Switch to pots that don't require Disposal these pots not only Aid in root Nutrition but also decompose naturally As they're made from coffee chaff worm Castings and similar components after Planting these pots maintain their shape For approximately six months making them Ideal for seedlings plus caring for them Is a breeze no additional fertilizer Needed just regular watering Effectiveness of these pots has been Evaluated by experts from Iowa State University of Science and Technology and You can test them out yourself with a Couple of pots available for fifteen Dollars Thank you [Music] Let's stay in Germany where a local Company is offering a lopper that's Worth mentioning You can reach branches up to five and a Half meters high from the ground and its Cutting angle is adjustable to 225 Degrees Thanks to its cutting head it cuts Branches up to 32 millimeters in Diameter without causing damage to Neighboring branches with its Eye-catching body it remains visible Even in dense foliage weighing just Three kilograms and equipped with a Non-slip handle it ensures a reliable

Grip even on hot summer days however it Comes with a price tag of 273 dollars do You think it's fair considering the 10-year warranty [Music] Thank you What makes this fan great well first of All it blows water Mist to cool an area Of up to 50 square meters making it Suitable for country houses and outdoor Cafes alike secondly it offers an Impressive 60 hours of operation on a Single charge and thirdly it operates Quietly at around 42 decibels similar to The sound of an air conditioner or Refrigerator Additionally the Manufacturers claim that it's the most Powerful Wireless model on the market With an airflow speed of up to 32 Kilometers per hour with its practical Design featuring wheels and a handle you Can easily take this fan with you to the Beach or a party Thank you The trend towards smart technology is Extended to the gardening markets as Well these sensors track various Parameters such as temperature light and Soil conditions and send the data to a Corresponding app Users not only receive raw data but also Specific recommendations on planting and Fertilizers the app also features a Weather-aware irrigation controller both

Components of the smart Garden are Powered by solar panels and operate Through the cloud a comprehensive plant Database is available these sensors and Controllers were developed in Collaboration with the fuse project team Renowned for their outstanding work Which allowed them to win over 50 awards From the industrial designers Society of America the sensors and controllers Proved to be a huge success raising over 384 thousand dollars through a Kickstarter campaign at a price of a Hundred and twenty dollars per unit [Music] [Applause] But there are simpler Alternatives like This timer priced at 44 dollars that Eliminates the need for smartphone or Cloud interaction it operates on two Double a batteries and offers a Convenient seven-day watering schedule With two separately configurable zones And up to an hour per watering cycle It's suitable for both Lawns and beds It's really easy to set up thanks to the 13 built-in watering programs and the Built-in screen that provides all the Necessary information Oh [Music] In 2020 the European Union had over 9 Million Farms just imagine the vastness Of that area and the tremendous effort

Required to keep everything running Smoothly every little detail matters and Even affordable tools like these can Greatly simplify the lives of farmers These wire tightness for various Purposes such as marking plots preparing Fence netting and installing a wire Trellis for grapevines among other Useful tasks Made from a classic combination of Aluminum and steel you can easily find Models that can handle wire diameters of Up to four millimeters for as little as Four dollars they are manufactured Worldwide with options available even From New Zealand [Music] Are your cucumbers tomatoes and other Crops failing to grow to their full Potential the company guardenna suggests That it might be due to insufficient Water that's where this drip irrigation System comes in handy it seamlessly Integrates with other Gardener products Such as the irrigation controller and Can be easily installed and expanded Using a special wrench with Precision Irrigation that minimizes Water waste The system can be set up both above and Below the ground and since all Components are available separately There are no additional costs that's German practicality at its finest [Music]

Foreign Tired of dealing with moles and Gophers On their property here's a solution That's simple fast and Humane no need For a shovel just locate one of the Burrow openings with a probe and then Insert the steak with a built-in trap a Yellow indicator will confirm that the Trap has been activated regardless of Which direction the pest enters from the Trap will effectively catch them leaving No chance for escape so you just need to Remove the Trap the Burrows are located Easily usually within 15 to 25 Centimeters of the distinctive piles the Manufacturers are sure that this trap is The top choice for both professionals And homeowners and it comes at a modest Price of 39 dollars [Music] Hey [Music] Foreign [Music]