Evolution S355 14-inch Steel Miter Saw Review [46-degree Miter]

By | August 29, 2023


Cut through 4×4 steel without even trying with this EVOLUTION S355 14″ Steel Miter Saw. The 14-inch cold-cut blade doesn’t shower you with sparks and hot embers like an abrasive blade does. #review #tools

Evolution S355 14″ Miter Saw:

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Do you wish you had a miter saw for your Steel Cuts well Evolution may have the Answer Does the evolution power tools s-355 and It’s a 14 inch blade cold cut saw but it Also offers the ability to miter up to 46 degrees to the left or to the right Now let’s dig in and take a closer look At this and then after we use it we’ll Come back and talk about pricing about Warranty and what we think of it this is The evolution s355 and it’s their 14 Inch metal cutting mitering chop saw With TCT blade so basically you get a Miter saw that’s glorified and able to Cut large pieces of Steel now it comes In this format where it’s disassembled But really when you break it down most Of these are clamped so putting this Together is very quick and simple other Than putting the blade on basically We’re going to put this on the rails put The back cap on it and I think that’s Pretty much it so let’s go ahead and get Started doing that okay first thing We’re going to do is take this miter and Turn it just press the thumb button here And turn it to zero or 90 so that now Our rails are straight back And then you’ll see here on the head We’ve got this button here which is kind Of a slide button this slides open and Allows you to slide this on the rails It’s got this little stopper in there

We’re going to leave that so that now we Can actually use that to Put that on and that pin is not going to Be locking in place Very simple line up the holes and then We can slide this out and it’s going to Lock into one of those three holes there We’ll put that in the front spot and This is basically a locking mechanism But once it’s once the pin is in then You can cinch that into place and really Lock it into place and it’s not going Anywhere Now if you’ll see this pin here we need To pull this back and that same pin once I pull this head down is going to lock This down as well so you can see with The pin in it hits right here if I slide That back and pull that down and then Slide that over and that’s going to lock That head down and we’ll go ahead and Grab the Allen key or allen wrench That’s right here on board the saw Grab our cap here slide that on And now this ads is not only a stop for This not coming all the way back But it also adds as anti-tipping as well So now when there’s a load all the way Here on the back can you raise the head Up it’s sitting back here on these feet And not flipping over Now these two thumb screws here with Springs on them I’m gonna go right here Gonna go right here in this lower hole

And over here as well And that’s so we can add Different clamps and guide bars so these Upper ones are little detent ball Bearings inside of there they’re spring Loaded and they lock onto these Different grooves And based on the height you want you can Set those and then lock them down with These thumb screws and now it’s locked Into place and then if you want it back Out Loosen those pull it out and you’re good To go And so once you have this rail on Then you can utilize these clamps Slide over and you can quickly adjust Them flip this over and now you can Crank that down to tighten it up And then this one here will sit in this Corner or Right here Here or here so several different places Where you can actually Set the clamp to actually hold the piece Down Quick adjustment here same thing here I Can push this button Raise this up or down Or use the threads push it again raise It up move it out of the way You also get a quick quick adjustment Knob back here for raising lower Really cool system

And in addition to the flat feet For clamping We can take these And easily slide them on and you see the Detents right there So it holds them on And now if we’re cutting some type of Angle iron or even a square turned up at An angle We can use these for holding them down Or even round tubing So whether you’re putting on here We get three of these so we can put them On all three of the clamps And here we have multiple areas To actually Set this clamp And if you want to put set screws in There you can to actually lock that into Place if it’s something where you’re Making repetitive cuts Put that down put a set screw in there And hold it in place and installing the Blade is easy again using the onboard Allen key or allen wrench Loosen the window here And take both This washer And bolt as well as that larger washer Off And make sure that this arrow and this Arrow are facing in the same direction And it is right hand thread It is a full 15 amp saw so it’s

Basically going to take all the power You can give it through 120 volt or Through your standard 15 amp 120 volt Outlet It’s turning a 14 inch blade at 1450 RPM And by the way you never want to use a Cold cut metal blade saw on anything Spinning faster than the rated RPM you Don’t want teeth flying off that’s a bad Thing and it does run a one inch Arbor As well Now on the table surface you will notice The different holes here so you can Actually use any of your typical bench Dogs in there for helping Aid in and Clamping down material or just putting Material in and holding it in place and These are going to be a standard I Believe they’re three quarter inch Yeah three quarter inch or 19 millimeter Bench dogs Now the table surface size here the Overall width is right at 27 inches of a Machine surface so the overall length of The machine itself about 27 and a half Inches just a little less And height of this machine Is going to go right at 18 and a half Inches from the front of the saw to the Back of the saw you’re looking at a Little more than 28 inches to the front Of this lock down here Now on the miter side as long as you Don’t have it locked down with the thumb

Screw here you can basically lock it Into each one of these notches and you Can just press this button down here Slide this over and it will lock into Each one of the notches You have an indicator right here and it Shows you all the way over in the last Notch is 45 degrees but you can push the Detent down slide it over another degree And get a full 46 degrees left or right Miter And then if you want to put it into a Place without a detent Wherever you need it and then Clamp this down and that’s going to lock The miter into place So let’s get on into cutting and then We’ll talk about cut capacities kind of As we go and how we’re going to use and Utilize these clamps here which are very Cool by the way as you see they just Slide on this rail and until you put Pressure on them they’re not locked into Place so it’s pretty cool once you clamp Them down it’s going to hold its place On this rail but nice solid Rail and Again we saw how we can raise this up Based on detents just by loosening these Thumb screws and coming up with it to Wherever we need it So cutting things like flat bar Very easy and again you can see I can Bring both these clamps over Flip this down

Screw them down and hold them in place So cutting things like a quarter inch Flat bar that’s you know two four inches Wide not a problem at all even if we Needed to go into a miter And you’ll see the cool thing is Obviously I could come this way there’s Really nothing in impinging on or Infringing on that turning to making Your right hand miter but if I wanted to Take it left you can see all this Mechanism here that looks like it’s Going to impede on this but actually you Can see the cutouts here is made to go That full 45-46 degree miter and still Be able to get a cut in without any of This contraption affecting anything now If you had a full piece of you know four Or five inch or even two inch trying to Stick this up yes that’s going to get in The way and we can only make that other Right hand swing but in this case if I’ve got it laying down I can still Utilize this And still be able to cut the spider Now you may have seen that saw kick a Little bit and that’s because I did not Have my miter locked into that 45 degree Nord and I had the thumb screw down so Once it clicked into place then it went Ahead and made the cut but just make Sure that you’re actually in those Detents and you can feel that positive Click when it goes in

So now it’s locked into place Now cutting something like A 2×4 steel not a problem at all I can Cut that vertical or I can cut it Horizontal as well or laying down or Standing up So cutting your standard one by one two By two one by two two by four tubing uh Really not an issue and even this this Is a three inch angle Oh And then one of the really cool things Is the ability if we have some square Tubing and we want to cut where it’s Actually standing at like a diamond Shape or like in this case where we Could obviously cut it laying down like This but I could also cut it this way By just taking these here these pads and They slide right here And have little detents on them Slide into place And you can see how that holds that into Place and in this case I’ve got like Four feet hanging off the other end but It’s still holding it in place in that Groove Making nice clean cuts without any Sparks and without any hot shrapnel Flying around And even if I wanted to cut this at a 45 Which as you can see you want to make Sure that you’re not cutting into your Holders

Or I could actually go the other way and Clear all of that But as you can see we’re hitting here on Our steel so we can’t actually make that Swing to cut that big of an angle I can Cut a 30 degree angle And look how clean and quick that is Now this Is a five inch by five inch square tube So you see a full full five actually Like five and an eighth By five by five and an eighth but still Five inch square tubing Raise up our center of gravity there Now if we look at our Max cut capacity It actually says a Max of four and three Quarter inches as far as height and About six and a half inches from front To back so max of four and three quarter Inches tall well this exceeds that but You’ll see here in just a second we can Still make a cut on this now when I Start once I get into my cut I’ll have To help this a little bit but that’s About it so we’ll see Foreign So you can see that’s about the max that I’m gonna get and I’m cutting almost to The bottom here in the center or Actually cutting some on the bottom so I’ve cut almost all the way through but We can flip this So now we’ve got it flipped I should be Able to make my last cut

So I could dress that up with a grinder I could throw it back up there and make That last cut but you can see with just One turn we can actually cut five by Five Steel And they also claim that at a 45 degree Angle your max Square tube is like three And three quarters of an inch as far as Height and width and they recommend a Max thickness of a half inch I believe This is probably 3 8. Yeah that’s 3 8 thickness All right Now the s355 From Evolution power tools Is not going to be the answer for Everyone because it’s not a cheap tool This is going to run you somewhere Around the 850 range now you’re going to Get a three year warranty with that as Well now let me tell you where we think This fits well with those common smaller Sizes like one by one two by two two by Four uh even into the larger stuff like Four by four square tubing now we showed That we could cut the five by five inch Square tubing but if you’re cutting a Lot of that you’re not going to want to You know keep flipping it over to make Those cuts but your more common smaller Sizes with your typical Fab shops this Is going to be a great tool for that Because it’s going to speed up that Ability to make those miters those Repetitive Cuts over and over without

Having to do any type of you know setup Or extensive setup because Evolution Even has some some great cheaper saws But when you actually want to change the Angle either you’re actually turning the Saw or you’re getting an Allen Bridge or Something like that and you know Changing the fence set up and fence Orientation and then you may only have One way to cut it so the ability to Quickly change from one side to the Other as far as making your miter cuts The ability to change the angle of the Actual piece of stock that’s in there Whether you’re cutting it you know at a Square with a flat surface or turning That square up at an angle with your Point and quickly throwing on these Little adapters for the actual hold down Bar for the clamps that are on here Really love that also love the fact that You have the ability to run bench dogs In here as well again for that Repetitive stuff that once you’ve set up You can quickly make those cuts make Those repetitive cuts on that normal Stock that you’re used to without having To go into any type of major setup or Having to you know make a lot of marks And things like that so great tool Cuts Really really well if you haven’t used a Cold Cut saw yet it’s really the way to Go throw throwing Sparks across the shop Continually and building up tons of heat

Just not a fun process at all and the Cold cut saw typically works a lot Quicker hey check it out from Evolution Power tools we’ll have a link in the Description also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you don’t mind would you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven’t done so already and by all means If you hated our video well give us a Thumbs down but would you let us know in The comments why have a great day and Keep smiling


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