Easy Crochet Phone Bag Tutorial For Beginners | Chenda DIY

By | December 13, 2022

Hi everyone welcome back to Chenda DIY and in today's video I'm going to show you how to crochet a phone bag it's a really easy pattern and very quick to make and also beginner friendly ok now let's get into the video to crochet this bag you can use any type and any size of yarn and any size of hook that goes with the yarn to start we will make the back base make a slip knot and chain 17 if you guys want the bag bigger please add more chains after you get it 17 chains next we will make one crochet for the first row skip one chain and make single crochet in the second chain to make the single crochet insert the hook into the loop yarn and pull a loop now you have two loops on your hook yarn over and pull all the two loops in and keep repeating this in each chain until you get to the end of the row and then I'll meet you again after you get to the end of the row And this is what it looks like afterward.

make an increase by making four single crochet in the same loop please don't forget to use the stitch marker to mark in the first single crochet stitch it's easy to see where to start the increase after you get four stitches in the same loop next we're going to make a single crochet in every stitch to the end of the row I'll catch you up again after you get to the end of the next row we're going to increase by making four single crochet in the same loop don't forget to use the stitch marker to mark this first single crochet stitch after you've got four stitches in the same Next loop we're going to make a slip stitch in the first single crochet stitch to make the slip stitch continue inserting the hook into the loop yarn over and pulling it through all the loops and this is what the back base round one looks like for the second row of the first chain turn your work and we're going to work two more single crochets In the same loop for four times it means we're going to increase the next four stitches after you've got four sets of stitch remove the increasing stitch mark then keep doing one single crochet in each stitch until you get four last stitches from the stitch mark then I'll meet yep again after you get the last four stitches after that we're going to increase by making two single crochet in the same loop for four times after you've got four sets of increasing stitches then complete the single crochet in each stitch until you get to the end of the row then i'll meet you Again after you get to the end of the row then we're going to make a slip stitch in the first single crochet stitch and this is what the second row of back base looks like next row 3 through row 4 chain 1 turn your work and we're going to single crochet in the stitches near chain 1 keep going Making a single crochet in a stitch around until you get to the end of the row and then we're going to do a slip stitch to connect the row and remember the little loop that's near the chain one doesn't count as a chain stitch so you don't do a single crochet in that next loop of the chain of the fifth row turn your work over and we're going to make half double crochet into the stitches near the first chain to make a half double crochet over insert the hook into the yarn over and pull it up into the loop now you have three loops on your hook and pull it through all three loops and keep putting it through each stitch around until you get to end of the row and then make a slip stitch like you said, for the little loop that is near the chain one it doesn't count as a stitch, just skip it and make a slip stitch in the first half of the next double crochet stitch for the sixth row of the first chain , turn your work over and make a single crochet in each stitch until get to the end of the row and then make a slip stitch next for the seventh row of the first chain turn your work and we're going to do a double crochet in the front as you can see that's the slip stitch part and that's the first half of the double crochet stitch we're going to do a front double crochet in that half of the double crochet stitch to make the front double crochet over the hook insert behind the half double crochet stitch hold the yarn over and pull now you have three loops on your hook yarn over then pull the yarn through two then pull the yarn through two loops again this is how we made the crochet stitch front double or alpine stitch and for this chain one stitch is where we are going to make a slip stitch at the end of the next row turn your work over and you can see behind the front double crochet we are going to go to slip stitch one near the first chain , then we're going to skip half a double crochet into the next loop of the row of single crochet after you've made a half double crochet in the next row of single crochet, we 're going to skip half a double crochet and then we're going to work a double crochet from the front to the next half of double crochet stitch repeating the same thing as we did in the first stitch after you have made a double crochet in the front then turn your work to see behind the stitches skip one single crochet and make a half double crochet in the next single crochet keep repeating this until you reach the end of the row , then I'll meet you again after you double crochet the last half double crochet stitch then we'll make a slip stitch in the chain then next single stitch for the 8th row please repeat the 6th row with a chain then turn your work and make a single crochet in each stitch until you get to the end of the row and then do the next slip stitch for the row nine chain one turn your work and this is what it looks like on the right side of the back or right side of the top hand stitch next we are going to work a half double crochet over the front of the double crochet which we did in the previous row means we will make a half double crochet in the single crochet row and also make a half double crochet in the close stitches of the single chain after you have made a half double crochet next skip the front post dou down the crochet and then work a front double crochet in the stitch regular half double crochet and for this first half double crochet near the first chain we're going to do a slip stitch at the end of the row after you've done another front double crochet we're going to do a half double crochet in the next stitch of the row of single crochet so you can see behind the stitches Skip single crochet then work a half double crochet into the next single crochet stitch skip the front post double crochet stitch then work a front post double crochet into the regular half double crochet stitch keep repeating this until you get to the end of the row then we meet you again after To do a front double crochet and then skip a single crochet and do a half double crochet in the next single crochet stitch remember for this little loop that first chain we always skip and then knit Start making the slip stitch in the first chain and now we've got two rows of alpine stitch and this is what it looks like for the next next row we're going to repeat row 6 row 7 and row 9 until you've got 14 rows of alpine stitch then I'll meet you again and if you guys want longer bag please add more rows by repeating row 6 rows 1 and row 9 until you reach the desired length after you have 14 rows of alpine stitch and for the last row you should finish with a single row of crochet where we are going to the next border make the holes The bottom one continues from where your last stitch is the first chain and turn your work over as you can see this is the slip stitch part of the slip stitch part it needs to be put in the back of the bag after that we're going to do a single crochet in the next nine stitches and then I meet you again after I've got On nine single crochet stitches because on the last stitch it needs to be put in the middle part of the bag as you can see we want to put the bottom hole in the middle part of the bag so continue from where the st stitch is and chain 16 if you want it longer please add more tuberculosis ace after cut 16 chains next skip nine chains then single crochet in the next seven chains then I'll meet you again after you get to the end of the row then continue single crochet in the single crochet stitch until you have the last three stitches then I'll meet you again after you have your last three stitches then we'll do the back strap so for the back strap it needs to be placed next to the back as you can see continue from where your last stitch was then make 180 chains if you guys want the strap longer please add more chains after you get to 180 chains after that we will attach the tape to the other side of the bag from before you attach the tape make sure the chain does not twist the slip stitch in the corner of the bag after you make the slip stitch then do another slip stitch in next stitch then turn your work and make the single crochet forever chain y to the end of the row then i'll meet you again after you get to the end of the row then keep working the single crochet in the single crochet stitch until you get to the end of the row and then work the slip stitch in First Single Crochet Double crochet stitch L next first and cut the yarn for the remaining yarn please use a darning needle to weave now you're done this is what the front of the bag looks like for the last one we're going to make the button to start make a magic circle or make a magic loop next make 8 single crochet stitches in the circle if you You guys want it to be bigger please add more single crochet stitches in the circle after you get eight single crochet stitches then pull that short tail a little bit and then we're going to slip stitch the first single crochet stitch the next chain and make 15 single crochet stitches In the circle then make a slip stitch in the first single crochet stitch then a single chain and leave a long tail of yarn retained to sew the button in the back then pull the short thread tight to close the circle then cut it and for the long tail of yarn use a darning needle to weave around it then pull it tight and now Your Phone Case If you liked this tutorial, please don't forget to hit like and leave a positive comment down below, stay safe and stay healthy and I'll see you guys in the next video, bye…

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