Easy Craft for Kids: DIY Phone Case with Game

By | February 8, 2023

what's up everyone check out my new phone 
cover you can play with it here's what you   need to craft this awesome phone cover 
cardboard cover glass a phone cover   compass pins a ruler a pencil glue and last 
but not least scissors let's get crafty take your ruler and measure your phone covers 
length and bread next mark out the dimensions   on the cardboard and connect the markings with 
your pencil sweet time to cut it out using   scissors now we need to cut the corners so the 
cardboard fits into the phone cover there we go   perfect fit remember to mark and cut out a small 
hole for the camera i'm going to snap my fingers   and use magic to cut out the small piece awesome 
now take your compass and draw even circles   starting from the middle of the cardboard 
leave some gaps for the doors of the maze and finally go over the pencil drawings 
with a put pin cardboard into the foam   cover now it's time to make the walls of the 
maze cut out green strips using your scissors   pin the smaller pieces a bit and stick them to 
the outside of the cover using glue there we go stick the big monster right in the middle of 
the maze and add a few ghosts to make it spooky   now it's time to craft the edges of the phone 
cover using different sizes of paper cut to   the same length glue the pieces together and 
wrap it around the phone cover be careful not   to get glue on your fingers so far so good 
now it's time to add the ball plastic cover   and frame glue everything together check it out 
you made your own phone cover time to play and win

As found on YouTube