By | July 1, 2023


1) Spin Screed

2) Precast Concrete Box Culvert (Preview)



5) ACO GroundGuard

6) Certus

7) Geoplast New Elevetor (Preview)

8) Zellige (Preview)

9) 3D-printed clay blocks(Preview)

10) VELUX EWR flashing/Insulating Set XDP Thermo (Preview)

11) SOLIDOR Solaswitch

12) Effisus Bolt Protect


14) SwitchBoard Ultra PVCu

15) Effisus Stopper

16) Lift Hoist (Preview)

00:00 – EZFLOW
01:16 – STYROPOR
02:13 – ACO GroundGuard
03:05 – SwitchBoard Ultra PVCu
03:59 – Zellige
04:55 – 3D-printed clay blocks
05:45 – Spin Screed
06:46 – Precast Concrete Box Culvert
07:38 – Certus
08:28 – VELUX EWR flashing/Insulating Set XDP Thermo
09:26 – SOLIDOR Solaswitch
10:11 – Effisus Bolt Protect
11:07 – EXCEL JOINT®
12:03 – Effisus Stopper
13:03 – Lift Hoist
14:06 – Geoplast New Elevetor

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[Music] Thank you A modular septic tank is a very Practical solution for Standalone sewage And Wastewater systems this system Consists of a perforated flexible pipe a Special expanded polystyrene Aggregate And a geotextile mesh Keeping things simple is the key to Success First of all the modules can easily be Placed in single file parallel to each Other or on top of each other in other Words obstacles in the working area are No longer a problem Secondly there are only two lengths one And three meters both easily Transportable and installable even by One person and thirdly the septic tanks Are easily scalable for private or Commercial projects thanks to their Diameter of up to 46 centimeters Connecting the modules is simple by Snapping them together in addition They're made from recycled materials Same manufacturers and customers are Helping the planet by using them [Music] Turkey has a strong passion for Construction grantsing permits for Building over 550 000 apartments in 2020 to excel in the Industry they Embrace Innovative methods For example this combination of bricks

Plus expanded polystyrene you the only System on the market that allows you to Build in any region of the country Without additional insulation Exterior walls are a significant source Of heat loss accounting for 20 to 25 Percent of it but in this system both The bricks and the expanded polystyrene Act as thermal insulators so future Owners will save on electricity costs The manufacturer offers several options In terms of walls size and thickness and Highlights their durability and Additional sound insulation Next a two-in-one grid this will Reinforce the soil and allow water to Pass through smoothly as a result a Grass or gravel area will always look Aesthetically pleasing and will not be Flooded after a downpour the load Bearing capacity of 250 tons per square Meter is enough for parking lots Campgrounds and other areas with a large Number of cars The manufacturers have also prioritized Environmental concerns by using recycled Polyethylene for the grid The grids are held together by a clip System one pallet containing 112 pieces Is enough for about 25 square meters and Given the size of today's parking lots The manufacturers will not be short of Customers [Music]

Our selection continues with composite Decking for Terraces this is one of the Thickest options on the market reaching 37 millimeters the decking doesn't Bend Warp or rot it also doesn't rust doesn't Absorb liquids including wine and coffee Doesn't need to be painted or sanded and Doesn't contain lead the manufacturers Have listed all these advantages and More The primary material used is pvcu it's Like PVC but without plasticizers so it Can even be used in the food industry The boards have successfully passed fire Abrasion and slip resistance tests and For added Peace of Mind customers Receive a 10-year warranty all the Remains is to choose the right color and Texture Surprise your friends with some Knowledge these tiles are called zelige They originate in Morocco and have been Popular since the 10th Century Originally they were small and looked Like a three by three centimeter Mosaic Each tile was made by hand from raw clay And painted by hand so they were pretty Expensive today they're much more Affordable as the tiles are manufactured In factories but handmade Zales has not Lost its popularity in the video you can See a Moroccan Workshop using Traditional techniques such as Sun Drying and baking in a classic Kiln at

Temperatures of 800 to 1000 degrees Celsius There are more than 70 designs in the Workshops catalog and the tiles are sold Not only in their country of origin but Also in Europe Foreign [Music] Traditions too at an architecture Festival the public was surprised by an Unusual installation that offers a fresh Perspective on tepitate a local material Rich in calcium carbonate commonly used In construction now tepitate based Blocks can be 3D printed it's easier Faster and much more versatile than Using other Technologies in addition to This material cement lime and water are Needed the robot squeezes out the Resulting material layer by layer like If it were toothpaste so no form work is Needed and anything can be built with it At the festival they made a roof for a Small Pavilion [Music] 21 approximately 1.6 million building Permits were issued in the United States There is a lot of work in the Construction area and it can be done More quickly with specialized equipment Such as this one It's a simple and effective solution for Screeding concrete a rebar acts as an Axis in the middle of the future

Construction the manufacturer claims That even inexperienced workers can Perform clean and accurate screeding There are battery and fuel powered Versions available with the latter using A Honda engine Roller lengths range from 1.2 to 6.7 Meters Unlike vibratory screeds it offers Higher final quality and a flatter Surface the two batteries of the Electric version can be charged at the Same time in just 30 minutes the price Is around sixteen hundred dollars Now let's take a look at the Advancements made by a major independent Precast concrete products company in the United States These sections reliably protect water And sewer pipes including storm drains They're available in various sizes for Example the type 1 is 1.8 meters high And the type 3 reaches up to 3.6 meters The length depends on the customer's Needs the company also manufactures Fully customized versions including Curved sections in addition the sections Are versatile and will also be useful in Projects involving Bridges pedestrian And service tunnels Subway warehouses And even shelters Okay [Music] Many shopping malls and Office Buildings

Lack visually appealing exteriors these Modules will make facades more Interesting and attractive thin clay Tiles are held in place with stainless Steel clips and from the outside they Look like real bricks there are several Design options for example for Flemish Or English Bond four standard shapes are Available too the size of a typical Rectangular panel is 56 by 37.5 Centimeters they last approximately 60 Years the panels are fully assembled at The factory have no glue or resin are Fire rated A1 and are no more difficult To install than similar products The creators of these new generation Roof windows are pushing the boundaries Of innovation their Windows not only Provide excellent lighting and enhanced Aesthetics but also come with top-notch Waterproofing eliminating the risk of Leaks customers are offered two Installation options the classic roof Level installation or a recessed Installation that's 40 millimeters deep The minimum angle is 15 degrees it can Be installed on slate roof tiles Roofing Sheets and other materials maintenance Is minimal too requiring the removal of Leaves and debris at least once a year And clearing snow in winter the Combination of foam insulation cladding And a soft membrane skirting around the Perimeter is an advantage for heat

Retention and the window is designed not To interfere with rain water drainage Hey Often a lot of interesting things are Installed under wooden decks from wiring To various equipment to access them a Kind of trap door is needed a board that Can be quickly and easily removed and Put back in place the simple and Effective solar switch lock has been Developed for such cases the plastic Triangles are mounted on screws with Extra room for movement which allows Them to be shifted using tools like a Putty knife while at the same time Protecting the ball from falling out Without being visible it's an elegant Effortless and cost-effective solution With four pieces costing around three Dollars [Music] Sometimes when workers install something On a mess or roof using bolts it can Result in leaks at the joints to prevent This from happening ingenious people Have come up with an Innovative membrane That's suitable for both future projects And for repair and maintenance work even Over loose rusted bolts and directly Over the holes no torch or adhesive is Needed to secure that membrane a surface Treatment with Primo is all that's Required The primary material used is ethylene

Propylene rubber commonly found in Automobiles and window profiles the Material is elastic easily adapting to The shape of the bolt and highly Resistant to UV rays and frost enduring Temperatures as low as minus 45 degrees Celsius [Music] How are rooftops used in your city in Paris for instance an exhibition site Has set up a 14 000 square meter vegetable garden where You can even rent a portion of it Meanwhile a British company is offering To rethink roofs it's willing to take on Both Renovations and new buildings and You can order not only a green roof but Also a blue one rainwater will run off More slowly so there'll be less strain On drains and storm systems you can Easily build an orchard a garden a Recreation zone or something modular Other advantages include sound Insulation cleaner air and Energy Savings due to heat retention the Company is also available for individual Repair work such as waterproofing joints As showcased in the video Another solution for waterproofing roofs And facades the Ephesus stopper kit it Is very useful on metal or soft membrane Roofs the kit allows you to start Working right away and consists of three Components a flexible skirting board

With fastening and two sealants no prior Preparation is necessary The system allows easy shaping by hand Into any desired geometry and the Ability to work in confined spaces Without noise or mess besides it doesn't Require any experience from the user in Addition these sealants withstand Temperatures from -40 to 93 degrees Celsius and can be used on the site in Outside temperatures as low as zero Degrees Celsius The manual is only one page long and Consists of four steps it's also quite Comfortable to work with on your own In case roof work requires something Heavier this hybrid of ladder and hoist Will come in handy two models are Available with a capacity of 113 and 181 Kilograms both with electric motor or Lifan or a Honda gasoline engine Lifting sections of 1.2 or 2.4 meters Are also available as well as stands for Transporting solar panels or plywood and Other accessories Competitors also offer their own Variations which can be set up in just 10 minutes feature wheels for Easy Transport and can be powered from a Standard American 110 volt household Outlet both options hold relevance now And in the future Germany is witnessing A Resurgence in solar panel production While France has introduced a law

Mandating their use in parking lots with 80 or more spaces Foreign Work it's time to fix that this Italian Option combines sustainability and Simplicity the basic material is Recycled polypropylene the height and Diameter of the tubes can be adjusted According to the customer's wishes this Makes the form work suitable for Projects of all sizes from private Residences to schools and exhibitions For example this formwork was used During the construction of a 25 000 square meter campus reducing the Duration of certain works by up to 80 Percent in the video you can see the Expansion work on a 3 000 square meter Cold Store where the usual temperatures Are minus 25 degrees Celsius the Formwork made it possible to create the Ventilated cavity needed to combat Excess humidity preventing warping and Cracking of the floor [Music] Foreign Foreign