Best Broken Windshield Repair Kit? Let’s Find Out!

By | August 27, 2023


I hired a professional windshield repair technician and tested 7 Kits: Rain-X, Permatex, JB-Weld, ClearShield, Athlon Tools, Unioon, Antswish.  Windshield crack repair kits compared resin quality (strength and scratch resistance), ability to push resin into damaged windshield and overall repair quality. I hired a professional repair technician to make a repair and to then provide analysis of each of the windshield repairs made using each brand.

I bought all of the repair products and supplies used to test the products to ensure an unbiased review. So, thank you for supporting the channel.

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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Athlon Tools:
Drill Bits for Windshield Repair:
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Canon 70D Camera:
Azden Microphone:
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This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC

A car windshield crack is gonna happen From a rock chip at some point so the Question is is that 10 kit just as good Or even better than the kit to cost 300 Well let’s find out we’ll see just how Good the low price repair kits stack up Against repair made by professional Windshield repair technician then we’ll See which repair epoxies are stronger Than glass we’ll also see which repair Resin is the most scratch resistant Finally a professional windshield repair Technician will grate each of the Products at a price of only nine dollars The least expensive brand we’ll be Testing is made by ant wish the repair Only takes 20 minutes and no special Tools required they claim that the Repair epoxy is five times stronger than Glass they claim you can repair chips And cracks Bullseye spider web Star-shaped and nicks clicking at before And after pictures the repairs should Look as good as new when we’re done made In China I bought several kits for each Brand just to make sure we have enough Material for several repairs the inner Layer of a windshield is made of glass The middle layer is made of plastic and The outer layer is the damaged glass That we’ll be repairing to test the Repair products I made 11 damaged areas On the windshield of one of my vehicles Since I’m not a professional repair

Technician I spent an entire day Training myself self using seven Different repair kits I use glass pieces That were damaged by a Dremel a full day Of practice really helped me become Familiar with the functionality and the Quality of each brand so let’s see how The ant wish performs on this damaged Area of the windshield step one clean The damaged area mount the seal to the Windshield peel the backing off one side Of the adhesive seal then line up the Hole in Seal with pit press the seal to The glass pull backing from the top side Of the adhesive seal line up the Pedestal with the adhesive seal making Sure the tabs match up press the Pedestal to the glass and run fingers Around the pedestal to ensure a tight Bond cut the tip off the resin container To open the stem add five or six drops Into the pedestal press fit injector Into the pedestal with the pin valve Lined up with the tab hold plunger with One hand and pull the injector up with The other hand lock plunger by engaging Lower notch in the plunger with spring Clip allow the assembly to sit for 10 Minutes it’s been right at 10 minutes Remove the injector from the pedestal Move plunger to its maximum position and Put the injector back into the pedestal Hold the injector with one hand and Rotate the plunger releasing spring clip

From the lower Notch depress the plunger Downward engaging the upper Notch with The spring clip now let it sit for a Minimum of 20 minutes and it’s been Right at 20 minutes remove the pedestal From the glass loosen the outer edges of The pedestal with the safety razor Slowly pull up on the pedestal until It’s removed wipe and remove excess Resin pit filling procedure slowly add Resin to the pit place the curing film Over the pit holding the resin in the Pit I hired a professional windshield Repair technician to make a repair later On so let’s leave the curing film in Place until he arrives to inspect the Repairs the instructions call for Placing the vehicle in direct sunlight But I’ll just go ahead and use a UV Light for right now at a price of 12 is This Rain-X brand Rain-X claims that Their resin makes windshield stronger Than before good for round damage below One inch in diameter and cracks smaller Than 12 inches in length the Rain-X is Made in Taiwan remove any loose Glass by Scraping over it with a razor blade and Fix the applicator to the windshield Make sure the center ring is centered Above the brake and the suction cups are Firmly attached to the windshield screw The resin chamber into the center ring Screw down the resin chamber turning Clockwise so that the rubber mouth is

Flat against the windshield squeeze Three to six drops of repair resin into The resin chamber screw the pressure Driver in into the resin chamber to Drive the resin into the brake tighten Until the pressure driver is almost Screwed all the way in check from inside To car to make sure that the rubber Mouth has opened wide allow the repair Resin time to be absorbed into the brake It should take about four to six minutes Unscrew and remove the pressure driver From the resin chamber to release any Trapped air that’s in the chamber Reinsert the driver and screw down again To displace air remaining in the brake Make sure that there are no bubbles Inside the brake after the air has been Removed turn the resin chamber and press Your driver together half a turn to the Left remove the entire apparatus by Lifting onto small tabs onto suction Cups gently wipe away any excess repair Resin add a drop of the repair resin Onto the areas where the damage is still Visible and cover with curing strips and A rain neck still needs to cure but it’s Looking really good so far at a price of 13 is this JB Weld brand contains 0.75 Milliliters of repair resin it claims to Repair up to an inch and a quarter Diameter repairs a star a half moon Bullseye and a combination of all the Above also includes a syringe pedestal

Applicator cleaning white push pin and Cure strip the JB Weld is made in USA Compared to the instructions for the the Ant wish the JB welds instructions are Written in a way that’s much more easy To follow with that said the steps for The entire process are virtually Identical and the quality of the JB Welds adhesive pad does seem to offer Better adhesion but that’s pretty Subjective the syringe for the JB Weld Kit is larger and more air volume should Offer an advantage following the Instructions to a T and the repair took Right at 35 minutes and the JB Weld kit Performed well but there’s still a small Amount of visible damage also the price Of 13 is this Permatex brand repairs Bullseyes up to one and a quarter inches In diameter the kit includes a repair Syringe and plunger repair compound Adhesive disc pedestal curing strip push Pin razor blade alcohol towelette and One instruction sheet the protex is made In Taiwan just like the JB Weld kit the Permatex repair kit offers just enough Supplies to make one repair and the Quality of the kit seems just as good as A JB Weld kit the kit instructions were Very close to the same as the JB welds The instructions call for 10 minutes of Suction followed by 20 minutes of Compression with the syringe and Pedestal when it came time to remove the

Adhesive pad the Permatex held together A lot better than the JB Weld adhesive Pad definitely a lot better better and I Could hardly wait to see the finished Result at a price of fifteen dollars is This Union brand works on round damage Not more than one inch it also repairs Cracks up to 12 inches it claims to have An advanced resin formula the repair Should take 20 to 30 minutes made in China and the uni kit looks just like The Rain-X kit but there are definitely Some differences I’m not able to thread The pressure cylinder without first Lifting the entire assembly away from The windshield by at least a quarter of An inch the instructions also called for Installing the pressure bar and then Checking to make sure the resin has Reached the damaged area the pressure Bar is supposed to work like a piston And force the resin into the repair area As the pressure bar is tightened after Adding six drops of resin the resin was Not forced into the damaged area of the Glass by the pressure bar unfortunately The entire assembly seems to be acting More like a funnel and not forcing the Resin into the broken glass after adding More resin and after a couple more Attempts the resin finally made its way To the broken glass after several more Attempts at removing and installing the Pressure bar the resin is finally

Settled into the damaged area and the Repair took about twice as long as the Rain-X brand the union did help repair The damaged area but the damage is still Quite quite noticeable at a price of 19 Is this Athlon tools brand the UV light Requires two AAA batteries but the kit Does not include the batteries it also Includes five curing strips and four Containers of repair resin two razor Blades instruction manual and a repair Device it claims you can make it repair In only 10 minutes made in China and the Athlon’s repair instructions are pretty Similar to the Rain-X and the union kits Just like the union kit I’m not able to Install the pressure cylinder without First lifting the repair assembly away From the windshield after adding the Repair resin and installing the pressure Bar the repair resin still hasn’t made Its way into the damaged glass I’ll go Ahead and add some more repair resin Just like the union the pressure bar Does not seem to be adding pressure Instead it’s just serving as a funnel The repair resin has finally made its Way to the repair area but the pressure Cylinder isn’t making enough pressure to Force the resin into the legs of the Crack there’s still some damage to the Repair area the instructions are a Little hard to follow but they seem to Indicate using a UV light for 10 minutes

However the UV light shuts off about Once per minute so you’ll have to power Up the light about 10 times during the Repair after 10 minutes the resin does Seem fully cured at a price of 390 teen Dollars the most expensive brand we’ll Be testing is made by clear Shield Unlike the other repair kits the clear Shoe kit is used at over a thousand Retail locations where they perform Professional car windshield repairs Designed to provide long-term protection To prevent crack from reopening the kit Includes a really nice toolbox repair Bridge extra O-rings and end seals it Also includes 100 curing squares 10 Razor blades a rechargeable drill 20 Drill bits thin resin and pit sealer the Clear Shield is made in USA before we Make the repair with the clear Shield Let’s compare the repair assemblies for The Rain-X Union and Athlon they all do Look the same but they’re all different With the Rain X the resin chamber Threads into the applicator without the Resin chamber protruding outward the Legs have a larger diameter and they’re Also a lot stronger than the union and The athon and the resident chamber on The union does not have enough threading And it protrudes out the bottom of the Assembly when it begins to thread and The resin chamber for the Athlon looks Very close to the same as the unions

Placing my finger over the end of the Resin tube on the Rain-X as I threaded The pressure cylinder I can fill a small Amount of pressure pushing against my Fingertip as I unthread the pressure Cylinder it should create a vacuum so Let’s see if the rain has can make Enough suction to lift his curing strip Off the table unfortunately the Rain-X Just isn’t making enough suction to lift The curing strip with a union in the Athon brands I barely noticed any Pressure building when I threaded the Pressure cylinder all the way into the Resin tube just like the Rain X neither Of those Brands were able to lift the Curing strip the clear Shield has two O-rings that form a Tight Seal acting as Piston rings I can feel quite a bit of Pressure building when threading in the Pressure cylinder the clear Shield also Creates quite a bit of suction which is Exactly what’s needed to remove air Bubbles in the repair it actually Created enough suction to stick to my Finger while overcoming its own weight The clear Shield also made very easy Work of picking up the curing strip and That’s a pretty long crack that needs to Be repaired drill the center of the chip The purpose of this step is to open up The impact point to allow resin to enter The various parts of the chip use the Rock chip repair drill to drill simply

Place your hands firmly on the Windshield with the drill cradled in Both hands start by drilling the center Of the chip at an angle then quickly Adjust so that the drill is standing Upright let the weight of the drill in The drill itself do the work stop when The drill is no longer making progress Or just before you pop through the first Layer of the windshield and the drilled Area definitely looks deep enough to Allow the resin to flow into the damaged Area make sure that both sides of the Bridge are unscrewed so that the suction Is the first part of the bridge to touch The windshield firmly press down the Bridge and clamp down the suction the Bridge should now be stable screw down The balance pin until it touches the Windshield then screw down a half turn Further now screw down the piston in the Same way screwing a half turn further When it touches the windshield remove The Piston keeping the chamber secure Against the glass add four to five drops Of resin into the chamber or more for Larger cracks slowly tighten the Piston To begin injecting resin when you start To feel pressure or see resin coming out The bottom of the chamber stop let the Pressure slowly push the resin into the Cracks if it appears to stop making Progress slowly loosen the Piston when Half turn this will pull out some of the

Air in the chip then tighten the screw Back to where it was and then a half Turn more the resin is definitely being Pushed into the damaged area removing The bridge lay a cloth over the Piston To avoid spray when the seal pops Release the seal by unclamping the Suction use your fingernails to lift the Suction and pull the bridge off then Using a cloth wipe down any excess resin After the chip is filled a little haul From the drill called the PIN it will Remain using the pit sealer fill the Hole with a tiny drop lay a curing film Square over the top of the drop and Gently press down with the finger to Flatten the pit sealer ensure that there Are no air bubbles under the plastic Curing square and a repair looks very Good but we still need to let the resin Cure place the UV light over the chipped Area let sit for two minutes or until Resin is hard let’s go and check out the Work of a true windshield repair Technician the UV light you’ve got a Razor blade so this will be your cover For your fit filler you got two O-rings That looks nice it looks just like the One I’ve got inside from the clear Plunger’s new O-rings this will be your Pit filler okay and then this will be Your resin and Josh is first going to Drill the center of the damaged area he Personally prefers using a variable

Speed drill compared to the tiny drills That come with the repair kits like the One I used the full size drill offers More control and the bit is less likely To walk Josh has a piston centered Directly over the repair area and the Bridge is locked down and adjusted for The repair Josh added right at eight Drops of resin we’re going to do is We’re going to start pressurizing until We feel it tighten up And then Back it off real quick and that’s kind Of what starts sucking your air out now You can start to see it starting to work Its way down in there see it pushing That one he also used A word of caution adding too much heat Can definitely cause a lot more damage To the windshield so a hair dryer is a Safer option for someone like myself who Doesn’t have much experience and Josh Has done a terrific job of pushing the Resin into the entire damaged area Including the legs of the crack after Adding the pit filler he allowed the pit Filler to cure for several minutes Before removing the cover so like these If you take it and you go like this Across that hole it’ll just pull it out So what we do is you go just on the Other side of the hole take it off Same thing take it off Take it off

And then you want to make sure you’re Flat and you just Over Until you quit hearing it the final step Is to clean the three pair and the Repair looks amazing Josh we’ll go ahead And start with the Athlon stickier than Ours is after it dries but That one did a good job It’s a professional okay yeah that’s What I’ll say that one looks good it’s And see how much harder it is to scrape Off yeah that’s more like what ours Feels like See how it’s flaking just like ours it Is it’s hard We’ll see how that’s so stuck that’s What makes me nervous he’ll pull the pit And see how it tried to pull it So see how it started to pull it out you Can feel that with that blade it didn’t Stick see how it’s catching Well that one turned out good too I Don’t dislike that one Yeah that one that one was pretty soft It come right off Is that hard that one was that one was Pretty tough pretty good stuff was it as Hard as any others I’m gonna say it was Hard as hard as This one okay So see that’s not very hard it’s just Sticky yeah it didn’t it didn’t do great Josh has had a chance to get a feel for

The hardness of the resins as well as The effectiveness of the repair kits and I’ve asked him to rank the order of the Repairs I’m gonna give that one an A and Then I’m gonna say I think I liked this One next and then Rain-X would be C this One I’m going to say is d e I’m gonna say just because that did that I’m going to give this one I guess if we’re going to alphabetical Order so the biggest issue with the JB Weld is that it did not stay within the Repair about 24 hours ago I created some Test pieces using glass coasters and Test tubes all the products have had Several hours to cure in direct sunlight And the ad switch outlasted the glass And the glass finally broke at 18 pounds Just like the ants wish the Rednecks Outlasted the glass and the glass broke At about 21.4 pounds and a JB Weld has More than enough strength to Outlast the Glass at 23.6 pounds and a Permatex Outlasted the glass and the glass broke At 20.6 pounds unfortunately the union Let go at 8.6 pounds so that’s less than Half the strength of the other repair Resins and the Athlon tools resin has Even less strength in the union brand at Only 4.6 pounds and the clear Shield fit Filler outlasted the glass at 12.5 Pounds so the union and Athlon tools Were the only two brands of struggle in This test about 24 hours ago I also

Prepared another test piece I applied The resins and covered each of the Resins with the plastic curing film They’ve had several hours to cure and Direct sunlight so let’s use the most Hardness test to compare each of the Resins on the curing strips had been Removed and the number two pick easily Scratched the ant Swish and arena is Held up just fine to the number two pick And the number three pick is harder than The number two and it costs quite a bit Of damage and the JB Weld seems a little Bit harder than the ants wish but it did Experience some damage with the number Two pick and a Permatex outlasted the Number two pick and the number three Pick did cause some damage to the Permatex and in Union is very soft and Experienced quite a bit of damage from The number two pick just like the union The Athlon is extremely soft and Experienced a lot of damage from the Number two pick and a clear Shield held Up just fine to the number two pick but The number three pick did cause some Damage so the hardest resins include the Rain-X Permatex and clear Shield resins Which required a number three pick to Cause scratches so which repair kit is The best and the clear show kit is by Far the best with an average finish to First place however at over 300 it is Very expensive out of all the DIY kits

The Permatex seems like the best the Quality of the resin seems very good I Also like the rain ice kit quite a bit However the tool for injecting the resin Just doesn’t seemed to work very well Another factor to consider is the number Of repairs that can be made with just One kit approximately 10 repairs can be Made with the Rain-X kit making it a Very good value a big thank you to Josh For letting me fill the repair it’s Always a little nerve-wracking to have Someone looking over your shoulder and If you have a camera pointed at you it’s Even more nerve-wracking all the videos In this channel including this one our Viewers suggested so if you have video Idea I hope you’ll take time to leave a Comment thanks so much for watching Please take care and look forward to Next time


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