Battery Maintainers – Buying Tips – Watch Before You Buy The Wrong One – MOTOPOWER MP00205C

By | January 10, 2023

welcome back to steve rob reviews on the desk 
behind me here i've got an interesting setup   and uh this is going to be a continuation of 
a video i did a little while ago about using   a battery maintainer and i'm going to take one 
of these and i'm going to mount them underneath   my truck permanently but there's some things you 
really should consider when you're thinking about   you know mounting it permanently 
because there are designated   there's designated units out there that are called 
on board battery maintainers and none of these are   them and i didn't really consider buying one 
of them because i thought what i got is better   but generally i'm not interested in charging my 
battery up that's not what the whole idea behind   a battery maintainer is just to park my vehicle 
and plug it in and have it maintain the battery   not charging it up all the time so the unit 
i bought yes i did buy a new one and uh i'm   going to show you on the bench here what 
i bought and the differences between them   and then i'm going to point out to you which kind 
not to buy because surprisingly yeah there's a   lot of these units out there that you should not 
even consider for a permanent installation so uh   let's take a look at the bench here and let's 
take a look at the different ones that i have   i'm going to take you out to my shed and i'm 
going to show you uh the setup that i have that   i maintain some batteries over the winter time 
and the reason why i bought the new unit is uh   well because the ones inside my shed 
they've been running great all this time   and there's a little bit of differences between 
the uh the dell trying or the uh battery tender   junior and this other unit that i bought and uh 
so let's take a look and let's see the differences   okay so let's start off with uh 
the battery tender junior here   and i saved everything you know that it came 
originally with but i only ever really use   the unit like this with the battery clips 
but the first thing i'd like to mention is   deltrans does not make anything cheesy with their 
clips or anything like that they all seem to be   fastened on nice and you know like none of 
these are meant to be suited for i believe it is   ip64 and ip65 dust proof and waterproof they're 
not designed for that right so there's other   units on there you know out in the market that 
are rated for that but this is what it came with   and the one thing i noticed it's fused with 
the battery clips using the battery clips or   if you're using the ring eyelets and so you just 
leave this fastened to your battery and then   you can unplug it from the battery clips and plug 
it in here when you want to use it and you know   that's a good idea but this part here i don't 
really care for too much i only use this style   when i'm using it indoors because look at the 
plug on it right you'd have to plug an extension   cord in there so this is the one that i've been 
using in the last video i really like this unit   and you know the main thing about picking one 
of these units is when you plug it in you want   it just to go back to the original settings so 
you don't have to fool around with the buttons   all the time right and some units yeah you have to 
really do your research because some of them you   got to play around with the buttons all the time 
where if you just want to have a quick connector   you know plugging it in well you got to lift 
the hood every time and reset so i mean this is   another problem too but on the ctec unit here well 
this is far above most of them and i mean the way   that they've connected everything together you 
know with their solder joints and strain relief   and of course they have a fuse connector 
on the the clips and here's the ringtail or   ring connectors that go on your battery and 
it's fused as well so now we get onto the   unit that i just purchased and it's this 
moto power thing and it's got the fuse   and it's got the uh you know the connector 
here as i just go on your battery permanently   and no fuse on this one though this is for the 
battery clips and you know it seems to be in there   pretty good you know it's crimped and soldered 
and this is the unit here but there is no fuse   at this end and i don't know why so i'm going to 
take you out to the shed in a second but i've got   this unit but it is not the plus it is just the 
regular one and the only thing that this thing   does is it lights up it comes with instructions 
and the instructions are actually quite quite well   written and all i wanted it to do was just plug 
it in turn it on and go and that's it i didn't   want to have to fiddle around with settings and 
all that now this one here is like multi-step   process of charging and you know what i haven't 
a clue what this thing actually does over time   but the other one i have has been working good 
all this time and i thought you know what i'll   get another one of these because this was like 35 
bucks so let's go to the shed and i'll show you   the setup i have for charging my batteries 
okay so let's just go in the shed here and leave the door open i'll turn the light on but this is the setup here and you probably can't 
see it but there is like a green light on there   and this is my older battery tender from 
deltrans on there and the whole idea is   i just charge up these two batteries now this 
one here is from my diesel a log splitter   and that's been on there for years using 
this 800 milliamp battery maintainer   and you know just less than one amp is fine i mean 
i don't need to be charging anything all i'm doing   is just maintaining the battery but what 
i'm going to do is i'm going to bring this   one in and i'm going to show you how you 
have to actually do your research first   before you can pick one of these units because 
not all of these are designed to actually be mount   permanently because well they'll just destroy 
your battery so let's take a look at that next   okay so let's do some testing but the first 
thing i want to say is the uh the small little   unit out there that i had in there charging 
my uh diesel uh log splitter battery well   when i unplug that unit it completely shuts down 
and that's the difference between some units that   are not really suited for this and some units that 
are better suited for different applications where   you're just going to put it on and leave the 
cord on and then if you're going to start up   your vehicle or use it at all well you have 
to take everything off and that's not what i   wanted so i'll take you over to the bench here 
and i'll show you the difference between them   okay so let's just take a look at the 
difference here and you'll see exactly   what i'm talking about so the unit is not plugged 
in there's no lights on there's nothing going on   but if we come over here so i brought the 
battery in if i come over here and i just plug it in guess what you have it lit up and 
that's the problem so you can't mount one of   this style where you know the unit is going 
to actually light up or you'll have a digital   readout or all that kind of stuff because when 
it's not plugged into your electrical supply   it's going to be drawing curt out of 
your battery and that's not a good thing   so it just counteracts the whole idea of keeping 
your battery charged up this type of unit will   discharge your battery when it's not actually 
plugged into your electrical supply so the unit   inside my shed that's charging everything up is 
exactly like this except this is just a little   upgrade from the last one and i have to actually 
test to make sure that this one here well   when i put it on the battery it's going to uh 
light up or not and if it lights up well i can't   use it but the other one when i disconnect it yeah 
it doesn't uh it doesn't stay lit up so let's take   a look and let's see i'll have to put the battery 
cable clips on there and i'll bring you back   okay so here we are right here 
you see i've got it plugged in   and if we come over here you can see it's all 
lit up green so for this to be acceptable for uh   an on board permanent mounting well you 
have to unplug the cord and make sure   that the light doesn't come on right so when you 
want to plug in your vehicle and not have to lift   your hood and i'm going to show how that's done in 
the future how i'm going to wire all this but uh   all we have to do is just unplug it and the light 
has gone out and that's exactly what you want now   i did try it with this one here and this is the 
exact same so this is acceptable this one kind is   acceptable but if you buy one that's got like all 
kinds of digital display and you have it unplugged   but you have it hooked up to your battery and it 
still has lights on here well that's just gonna   you know just discharge your battery but what i am 
going to do is i'm going to use this connector set   from the battery tender on this unit rather than 
this one because to me this is a little cheesy   but you know what it's it's less than an amp so 
i mean what do you need the only reason why i   prefer this style here is look how nice the ends 
are molded you know and they're sealed in there   and i think it's a far superior uh idea but 
yeah these would be acceptable too you know   but so yeah i think this particular unit 
here is going to serve my needs well   it is not dust proofed and waterproof and all that 
kind of stuff but where i'm going to put it i have   no worries about it at all okay so in the future 
i am going to show you how this is all attached to   my vehicle and uh i'm not going to have to lift 
the hood or have a cord come through the grille   or any of that stuff i'm going to have a 
nice little connector that plugs in down   below where i can just plug it in and don't 
have to worry about it because this unit here   there's no need to press buttons and you know 
reset everything and do everything because if   you take a look a lot of the instructions on 
all of them it'll say that it saves the settings   from the first original time and that's what 
this does and most of them all do that as well   same with the ctek it did that as well so 
you never have to fool around with it but   there are some out there every time you unplug 
it well you're going to have to lift the hood   and go through and select what kind of battery 
you have because this does all the different   batteries right what kind of battery you have and 
you know this is far superior to just you know   fooling around with it all the time you really 
don't want to it's not like i'm i'm taking this   vehicle and i'm parking it in my garage for the 
winter no all i'm doing is i'm plugging it in so   that if i want to use the vehicle maybe every week 
or every two weeks i can unplug it start it up and   drive away so i mean it's not like one of these 
units that well i would just put you know in my   garage for the whole winter for storing a vehicle 
because really all you really have to do is just   do what i've been doing all these years just put 
the battery clips on and you know lower the hood   and just leave it there until the spring right 
well in my situation i'm using it because my   battery will drain really well like to the point 
where after two or three weeks of sitting at minus   20 degrees well the truck's just not going to want 
to start too good i'm just gonna you know have my   my alternator just go full blast you know 
and what are you doing you're wearing out   your starter starting it on a low charge and 
you're also wearing out your alternator by just   you know letting it go full blast and full charge 
until it can charge up the battery again right   so it's best just to use one of these and uh keep 
it charged all the time so thanks for joining me   here today if you haven't seen this channel before 
you're welcome to subscribe come back again and   uh let's have some more interesting things that 
i find interesting hopefully you do too cheers

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