Milwaukee Fail.. M12 vs M18 Impact Wrenches

By | April 21, 2023


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so this is the video you have all been 
waiting for this is the morky m18 vs m12   impact wrenches with haze machinery this is 
our youtube channel please consider subscribing right ryan so what tests are we doing 
today we’ve got four impact wrenches   right the first test we’re 
gonna do is lateral flow we’re straight into this bit of wood into a nice ash log 
which you’ve seen in the other videos if you have   one check them out and then the second test is 
look at that see how tight you can get our nuts   basically talk tests on there so watch out talk 
test channel we’ve got we’ve got a bit of bar here   a little bit bar and we’ve got we’ve got a torque 
wrench we’ve got two so we’ll see which one can   tie them up the most then we’re going to see if 
these guys will undo them which ones will undo and   see if the m12 is as good as an m18 we’ll 
find out right now i’ll see how good it is   anyway let’s see what it can do and then we’ve 
got extra special yeah this is at the very end   that’s it which is it’s been requested by by quite 
a supportive youtuber of ours very smart youtuber   large youtuber very largely larger than large i 
mean larger than subscriber count near the 500   000 mark i know so we’re going to see which one 
of these guns will take off a clutch of a chainsaw   the easiest so we want to see if the llm12 here 
can can handle a rusty clutch basically rush to   clutch we’ve got a couple of old chainsaws one 
of my favorites as well i’m really excited i’m   not let’s go told if it does work it does take 
it off that youtuber said he was going to buy one   well let’s see let’s find out who that youtuber 
is because he’s very exciting big fan anyway   right first of all let’s get rid of this and 
crack on ready right to first test we have got   four coach screws each there is some short 
ones some thin ones some fat ones and some big   long chunky ones sounds like a good night 
out in bogle regions it does sound good in trouble for that we are going to use each one 
to go into this beautiful bit of ash all right how   are you there with your milwaukee car milwaukee 
quality yeah and i’ve got some knock-off nigel   knuckles knock-off nigel impact bit anyway i 
thought yours would be much better than mine   obviously the little m12 has 339 newton meters 
of torque max torque that is and yours right this   one here this is the medium impact uh torque 
wrench and this one has 745 newton meters of   driving torque so that one is going to be more 
powerful there’s no getting away from it the   question is to see how good the m12 is pick your 
screw got your screw got that let’s go for it will   you happy to counter send me i do have a long 
or you’re short don’t you cut that you’re cold   oh this i’ve got a shiny tip three two one does not get one of these big ones all the 
way in then we’re going to use the big boy   the big m18 high torque is it high talk high 
torque high torque impact right next screw   we’ve got short and stubby i can’t actually see 
the end of my thing that’s my biggest problem what size is that one more clothes 
you can see three two one go it’s all not there it’s in too far my mind went any further i win there you go that’s cool long and strong long 
and strong i’m making a line are you making a   line actually not gonna make a triangle by 
the way we have got full batteries everyone   full batteries and i’ve got an m uh six 
hand power and you’ve got a firewall   right that is right right ready three two one he’s gonna go slightly slower but it still did it it 
still does it that’s the point that’s   the whole point of how powerful the m12 is 
yeah like i say m80 i mean this is gonna   be is more powerful but it’s still doing the 
job speed comfort look at the size difference   i mean that is that is the the new version 
so it is a slimline body compared to the and   also the big one the big one we’ll put the 
big one up against the mid-talk in a minute   yeah but you can see here i mean that’s a 
really nice size but that is so dirty isn’t   it so light and lard lovely handy yeah takes a 
little bit longer to change our ends now right   we are change ends put in our 19 mil it’s a 
beefy army oh they are they are nearly equal   which is a little bit longer shank on this one 
so what are we using these for in there you know   we’re using these from a lawn mower shop um 
we don’t use these but we happen to have some   around my son had these in his collection 
so i have borrowed them three two one go still going i didn’t think it was going to 
get that one in at all no i really   yeah i thought it was going to struggle i thought 
that is it it’s met its match but no he did it   right a three two one race to get them all 
out oh but i’m buried ryan hmm well canada   we’ve got to get them out now i might have got 
an advantage here you never know three two one that one we should have done things how about how tight an m12 is better than an m18 see it’s perfect 
sometimes you just don’t need that power   that’ll do everything he wanted to do 
kyle well zoom into that look at that one   i probably buried that sorry would you like me 
to try it with mine let’s see if that comes out i’ll just knock off nigel’s adapter oh there it is right so i know this is an m18 verse and 12 
test but point of reference the big   girl okay not the one key just the big 
girl that’s the fuel high impact wrench   friction ring half inch but you are going to need 
a sock on the end of that yeah i’ve had an adapter   on it because we haven’t got enough sockets down 
here adapter on the thing to take from half inch   to 3 8 just so i can use the same socket i’ve got 
this one you’ve got that one use a different hole   right and at least i hope you might win this 
one take your line in reverse three two one go oh he got me back for user error i don’t think 
i saw him now but there we go look at the   juice it’s created lots of juice moist right so 
that was um embarrassing but now we’re going to   take them out and this one has got nearly 1900 
newton meters of nut busting torque and yours   just over 800.

This one’s got a thousand more 
newton meters in it so it should literally   scream over that one getting out 
was a lot easier than getting it in three two one go oh why do we need so many of these and that 
does say that anyway right let’s on to the   next test what is the next test james next 
test is our new test rig it’s very beautiful   these lovely stickers right available on our 
website we sell stickers so our next test is this beauty of a test rig look 
out torches channel is amazing i welded it out   this morning so either my welds break or something 
else is going to fail but we’ll find out this is   part of my racking sorry this is part by racking 
from the workshop what i don’t know anyway um   we are going to tighten up these nuts to a right 
torque right newton meters and we’re going to   start off i reckon we’re going to start with 150 
that should be a fairly easy task shouldn’t it   yeah give that a go it goes up to 350 this 
one so we make talkie yeah 150.

Cool right   around to the clicks just want my weld to break whoa 140. we could do this right you do yeah we’ve 
got to film this otherwise they’d be like   oh no you didn’t actually um 
tighten that to the right torque   so you’ve got i’m literally just busting 
this i don’t think my test bench is going to   make any more than 150. i don’t think 
the talk just has anything to worry about   i don’t think a talk test channel’s got anything 
to worry about it’s not even 105 yet well good   news is your your welds are working my welds 
working the metal is made of toffee i believe i think i’ve spent too much time on 
the aesthetics than i did on the actual   sticks quality of our test rig they do 
say celebrate your failures they do yes   good times come on don’t yours right all right look at that stroke oh that’s all right oh all right 
that’s 17. that’s seven do yeah so what’s that then it’s like lauren hardy had a torque wrench 
doesn’t it 70 in a bit you’ve got it to 105.

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You do the settings okay yeah i 
don’t feel my way home you know mine’s definitely in there okay 
oh yeah all right so we’ve got   85 new mirrors are you going for 85 meters   you’re gonna do you’ve got to put yours up against 
mine yeah but i don’t know what yours is it was   like probably 120. probably mine’s all going 
to win 10 12 and 12 all the way three two one for their belt a bell bottom what a 
secret santa oh no he’s going to see this   complete fail on the test station or whatever 
it was ryan’s not going to do that fault that   nut up with his and see if i can do it with 
an m12 yeah and then we’ll move on to the   chainsaw right cool ready if it does it we’ll 
do the other one on the other end as i’ll get i’m enjoying this this sort of section because 
i’m winning a lot you’re winning a lot right   we’re going to move on in our last m12 verse 
and 18 video not the last no sorry the first one   the impact driver video that we’ve done there 
was a comment and we’ve pinned it to the top   of that video because it was from steve’s small 
engine saloon yes the guy over in canada who has   got a nearly 500 000 subscriber youtube channel 
who does lots of tips and tricks regards to   repairing chainsaws lawnmowers streamers blowers 
all the stuff that we love so we’re a big fan of   this channel and he has asked if an m12 impact 
wrench will remove a chainsaw clutch an old   old chainsaw clutch it is because 
he’s currently using some yellow tools   and he wants to upgrade some more walking he 
does want to upgrade to milwaukee so we’ve got   a very very old johnstroud what is it a 49 sp so 
hopefully that clutch is well and truly on there   and then i’ve got my favorite saw of all time 
the best chainsaw ever made the husqvarna 346   xp it is my favorite store in the world 
this one is the waiting awaiting restoration so as you can see that has not been 
used or cleaned for a very long time   let’s take that clutch off so yeah so this is 
what we yeah yeah never take this um before   i’ll let you do the honors you’re sure yeah okay 
so you’ve got a special little clutch tool which   we’re very familiar with sits in there there’s oh 
i need hang on i knew i was doing something wrong   right there we go a hot sauce ready so it’s 
clockwise for this for often again all right   so see if it’s come off ready steve you’re 
watching you’re paying attention here we go and there is the chainsaw clutch 
come off the husqvarna 346.

There we go so there we are m12 will take off 
chainsaw clutch easy no problems at all we’ll   leave ryan to the um captain cordless over here 
to the to the battery stuff yeah captain cordless anyone just put that in the comments captain 
call us you were not winning any prizes   right so the johnson isn’t going to work 
because it’s a keyway club so i’m gonna put   that one back together and ryan found another 
one in my collection we’ve got a sash dolmar   one one six si so we’ll give that a go and see 
if that’s like a disease it doesn’t get disease   right whip that one off have a look at that one   so the sash dolma decent-sized clutch in 
there nice and rusty so this one won’t work   so let’s give it a go thank god for that no 
clutch tool required on this one which is   nice pack it on there ready hey look at that they 
are steve even on an old sash dolmar look at that   clear rust on that as well so easy 
no problems at all m12 will take off   chainsaw clutches no questions asked easy 
no doubt you’ll ask for another quest now   we have got to do our subscriber giveaway yes 
in every single video that we do we give away   prizes to one of our lucky subscribers how would 
you win right all you need to do is subscribe to   our youtube channel and put a comment in one 
of our videos that’s what we’re going to do   subscribe and put a comment underneath this 
video and you’ll be in for a chance of winning   let’s pick this week’s winner from our 
last video off you go and today’s prizes   are a milwaukee t-shirt a milwaukee ice scraper a 
milwaukee water bottle um tic tac box for tz2 beds   25 in there there is 25 of them and a 
milwaukee pen yes the lucky winner today is   tractor 9000 tractor guy nine thousand tractor 
guy nine thousand tractor guy nine thousand i know   it’s a longer name and you thought it is yeah yeah 
tractor guy nine thousand well done please put a   comment below as well as everyone else if you want 
to win comment below and subscribe to our channel   so that you’re in for a chance of winning our 
next giveaway what what’s our next video going   to be ryan well we’re going to have to re-do 
that talk nut challenge because the rig we had   wasn’t sufficient to be perfectly honest so we’re 
going to do that redo that get a proper break   the welding was good but the metal wasn’t so we’re 
going to sort that out i’ll make a better one i’ll   make it better i promise i like making things 
i didn’t i will admit i made that in a little   bit of a rush this morning but it still looks 
good stickers are nice stickers look nice the   right color i painted it it’s bright color yeah 
that’s why i chose it really and the other thing   we’re going to be doing is we do get a lot of 
people asking what is the difference between an   impact driver and an impact wrench and is there 
much power difference so we’re going to put them   against each other and see what sort of difference 
it is between the two because we will use the   adapters in the impact driver to see if they 
will do the same job as what that will let that   be quite interesting yeah so yes okay because then 
if you’ve got all in one tool that would be quite   nice yeah more videos coming please subscribe hope 
you enjoyed it sorry it’s a bit of a fail in the   middle but i can’t have always get everything 
right yeah see you soon thank you cheers

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