TRIAC Analyzer – Dimming LEDs with 0-10 Dimmer | Inspired LED

By | March 4, 2023

Hi! Adam here with Inspired LED! Today we will be taking a closer look at our newly patented low-voltage Triac
analyzer. It's an innovative accessory which allows low voltage LED systems to
be controlled using almost any standard track wall dimmer. It's internal Triac
Analysis Circuit determines the state of a dimmer switch and adjust the
brightness of the low-voltage LEDs accordingly. This allows you to choose
from a range of switches which match your decor and eliminates the need for a
bulky hardwired dimmable transformer. So what does all this mean? It simply means that if you install our Triac analyzer properly with a compatible dimming
switch then your LEDs will also have the power to dim making for some creative
and beautiful displays. Today we'll be taking you step-by-step through the
process of connecting your analyzer.

However before we begin please note that our triac analyzer is not compatible with digital dimmers. If you are not sure
whether the dimmer you have is compatible… Just give us a call and we'll
help you out. In order to install your analyzer you will need the following: A
set of Inspired LED low-voltage lights, one of our interconnect cables or a 14
to 22 gauge two conductor cable; of course, a compatible standard TRIAC wall
dimmer, a Phillips head screwdriver and lastly, a compatible class-2 plug in
power supply. If you are using an Inspired LED power supply and are unsure
about your powers compatibility, you can check our specification sheet. This
specification sheet will also help you determine the polarity of your power
supply which you will need to know for later. Alright let's get started take a
closer look at your analyzer. Along the top you will see six screw terminals. The
two on the Left will be used to terminate your power. The two in the
middle for your dimmer and the two on the right will be for your LED lights.

First we will terminate our LED lights. To do that you will need to strip your
14 to 22 guage wire about a quarter of an inch. If you
are using an interconnect cable you will need to cut off the male lead first
before stripping the wire. The wire with the white lettering on your interconnect
cable will be your positive polarity and the other your negative. Using your
flat-head screwdriver loosen the two screws marked LED. Make sure the polarity of your wires aligns with the polarity marked on each screw terminal. Insert the wires and tighten your screws. We will now terminate our analog TRIAC Dimmer
into the analyzer. Your dimmer will have two black wires known as the line and
load or hot wires. Depending on the type of dimmer you may find a ground wire in
addition to your line and load wires. Do not worry about this wire for it will
not be needed for this demonstration. Strip back the ends of both hot wires
just as you did your cable loosen the middle screw terminals marked TRIAC.
Insert your wires and tighten the screws.

These are the only wires in which you do
not have to worry about matching polarity. The last thing we will
terminate is our power supply. You will follow the same processes when
terminating your interconnect cable. Cutting off the end plug, stripping back
the cable and matching polarities before inserting into your screw terminals. Once
all components have been connected to the TRIAC Analyzer, it's important to
test the functionality of your system. Plug your power supply in and adjust the
dim settings a few times to ensure the LED lights respond accordingly. If the
lights do not dim or brighten check your connections to be sure all polarities
are properly matched and screw terminals are fully tightened. Once you have
confirmed the functionality of your system you are ready to install your
dimmer into the wall. It is very important that you DO NOT enclose your
analyzer inside the wall itself. The analyzer can and should be mounted at a central location on the wall, mounted inside a cabinet or in the electrical
box behind the switch. Alright, and that's it a simple and convenient way to
control your low voltage LED lights using a plug in power supply a standard TRIAC Dimmer and the TRIAC Analyzer from
Inspired LED.

Be sure to contact us directly for more information regarding
this or other Inspired LED products. You can email us at or give us a call at 480-941-4286. Thank you and enjoy your new TRIAC Analyzer!.

As found on YouTube