Spyder Carbide Tipped Hole Saws

By | February 23, 2023


hey guys Ken Davis here with Acme tools
and today I’m going to go ahead and show off one of Spyder’s products this is
their three tooth carbide hole cutter here this guy actually comes with a brad
point for a pilot bit and then it does also come with a quick removal bit
change feature and then also with the quick removal slug feature to
demonstrate those let’s go ahead and make a quick cut for you and show you
how that works of course always got to have your safety glasses on when you’re
doing this kind of work all right so now to go ahead and show that quick slug
removal then you have a nice button right here you go ahead and press that
down pop that forward and off comes your slug and then when you’re ready to go
ahead and change bits it’s as simple as pulling this down and just going ahead
and let it unlock and spin it right off of there I drilled this first hole here
and let’s say it wasn’t quite the right size so normally you’d have to go back
and grab another piece of material which does two things equates and money lost
and time lost so with this I was actually able to take and put a larger
bit over the smaller bit so that I can use the smaller bit as a pilot hole or
pilot drill for the first hole made and go ahead and make the correct diameter
hole so we’ll go ahead and just show that off again real quick so thanks for
watching today guys I’m Ken Davis with Acme tools don’t forget to check us out
online or in the stores for more deals

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