I'm gonna show you three hacking devices
you can create with the raspberry pie. Zero w. I also have a two. Oh I dropped
it. My coffee and a raspberry pie pico. Now this is my first time playing
with a raspberry pie zero. And I have to admit,
pretty stink and cool. And the hacking projects you can
do with these are kind of amazing.
Why not just go for a raspberry pie? Four. You gotta be rich to have a raspberry
pie. Four. It's the new flex. It's like supreme, but the
raspberry pi zero. Hey, you can actually get these now they're
not as cheap as they used to be, but I got this one, the raspberry
pie zero W for like 40 bucks. Now I'm telling you, you can turn
this into a killer hacking device. So we'll start with him. And the first
hacking project, a batter bad usb, like bad USBs are already bad, but
this is, this is batter <laugh>. I'll show you the
project to turn your pie.
Zero into a batter bad U sb
is the po pie. Poor phone pie. Now some of you may recognize this
project cuz it's stinking old. In fact, its last commit was like six
years ago, which had me thinking, does this actually still work? The good
news is that if you scroll down a bit, you can see the creator of this said,
nah, we're not doing that anymore.
And now we have the tone pie aoa. I
wanna say aloha. Every time I see that, what's it stand for? I don't know. Maybe
I'll find out when I go to the GitHub. So let's go to the new one, the
aoa. Okay, this one's a bit better. A commit at least four years ago. Not
great, but it might work, right? Oh, and there's what it stands for,
A little offensive appliance. Now the PO pie perform. Perform
pie at its core is a bad u sb. So you plug it into a computer
via USB and it does bad things. Steel stuff makes your mouse wiggle.
Opens up a rick roll. That's what it does. Now you're probably aware of the most
popular one, the USB rubber ducky. Actually I think I have a few. Oh,
come on. Nope, not there. Hold on About it. I got a lot of hacking stuff. This is the USB Robert Ducky
from Hack five.
It's amazing. It looks like nothing. And
that's by design. In fact, I just ordered a bunch of regular
USBs off of Amazon and I mean, here's what they look like.
They look just like this. The idea is that you trick people into
plugging this in. So that's a bad U usb. So why is the raspberry pie
zero W running home pie batter? Here's why it does a ton of other stuff
and I'm about to cover here in a bit. But the main thing I love it for, the reason I love it is that once this
thing is powered up and you plug it into anything with the usb, it has a little wifi network that you
can then connect to and then control your device on the fly.
It has a nifty little web gooey and
you can attack to your heart's content. This opens up a ton of things you can
do. I do not condone anything illegal, but messing with your friends
is really, really fun. Now, one of the main ingredients that makes a
bad U USB bad is the fact that when you connect it to your computer it's like,
nah, I'm not a U usb, I'm something else. I'm an ethernet adapter, I'm a keyboard,
I'm a mouse it, it can be anything. It's like the Pokemon Ditto. So this
little device morphs into something else, tricks your computer and it works
unlike every computer I know of.
It's pretty scary. So to not
wait, let's set it up real quick. It's actually not that hard
First, what do you need? You'll want the raspberry pie zero
W. At least it gives you wireless. You want that. And if
you're smarter than me, you'll get the W h which has
the pens already soldered on. Now that's not important
for our project now, but it will be handy for our project
later. Just get that one if you can. And then like all raspberry pie projects,
you'll need a SD card. I'm rocking.
I've got a 32 gigabyte SD card, micro sd, you'll need some way to read that
card. So micro SD card reader adapter. My writing is getting so
bad, I'm not gonna fix it. And then finally you'll need a micro u
SB cable micro SB to type a usb, right? That's what it is. No, I think
that's it. Oh, you need coffee? Everything in it requires coffee. Coffee. The first thing we'll do is download
the latest image of a loha po pie thing. So I'll go to the top here, find
the releases tag, click on that, find the latest one, which is the
beta back in 2020. Just deal with it. This is what we have. It's all we got. Click on it and scroll down a bit until
you see the x Z image and we'll download that sucker. Now while that's downloading,
I know I'll get this question. Does this work on the
raspberry pie zero W two? The two which I have right
here? I don't believe. So. The way the wireless is configured
is a bit different and the twos more expensive.
So just just go with the zero
W. Now also, while it's downloading, we want the raspberry pie imager. It's my favorite way to write
images to a micro SD card, which I have right here. So just
Google raspberry pie imager, you'll find a link to it. I'll put a link below two and then
download for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Next, I'll take my micro SD card, put it
into my uh, little adapter here, my U SB adapter and plug that into,
oh my gosh, what happened <laugh>? And plug that into my computer.
I almost broke it from here. We'll choose our os. I'll scroll to the
bottom here and click on use custom, find my aloha image there, open
and then choose my storage, making sure you select the right one.
Don't overwrite anything important. There's my 32 gig SD card. And finally
click on write. Do I wanna continue? Yes I do.
Now at this moment, the
time I'm launching this video, it's pie day and Oracle is
the sponsor of this video. And they want me to say this, this is
weird. Let's just go with it. Okay, the flaky, buttery texture, the decadent
mouth feel. This is getting weird. The gentle snap of the crust by
joining Oracle and Amer at pie Day, a virtual event for developers, you'll
get the satisfaction of baking a pie. I don't think I've ever baked a pie. I
mean I've baked plenty of these guys. That's what they're talking
about probably I would assume. And there's no messy cleanup <laugh>
with this.
And by the end of the day, you'll have learned how to build a
containerized app on the Oracle Cloud infrastructure. So essentially you're gonna learn how to
containerize an app instead of baking a pie. That's what we're
talking about here. Now, no matter where you are in the world,
just follow along. It's March 14th, which is today. If you're watching
this on March 14th, it's pie. And you can follow along with cloud
experts who were told are basically the the Julia Childs of cloud
native app development. Or lemme gimme say some weird things. So
anyways, you should probably register. Click the link below <laugh>, uh, at least do it for me
because I had to read that.
But also it does sound pretty cool because
that's one thing that people always struggle with, like they can
understand what containers are. But then how do you take an app
and container eyes, a regular app? You're gonna learn that. But seriously, thank you to Oracle for sponsoring
this video and making things like this happen. And I love sponsors like this because
they're kind of doing what I'm doing. They're helping you learn
something. So go learn something, click the link below. And speaking
of baking pies, mine is done. Okay, I'm pretty excited. I'm gonna grab it, pull it out and slide that bad boy
into my raspberry pie W zero thingy.
Now at this point, there's not much
more to do than to just play with it. So let's play with it. I'm gonna
find my micro SB cable. I lost it. Now I'm gonna plug the micro-USB
side of it into the port, obviously. But you'll notice on your PI zero
there are actually two micro-USB slots. One says U USB one says power in. See
that? For what we're doing right now, I'm plugging mine into my computer.
I wanna plug into the USB port.
What this will do is two things, power it up and also connect it to your
computer for what we want to play with. I, nothing crazy will happen
just yet. Don't worry. Or maybe you should be worried and
you'll see a little light start blinking magic start happening. Just give it a
moment. Give a moment. Gonna leave my, I don't know where to put 'em. I'm
just gonna put 'em like right here. Don't go anywhere. Now while we're
waiting, you'll want another device. So like get your, get
your phone or a laptop. I'm gonna grab a laptop
real quick. Got it. And from here you're gonna search in
your wireless connections and look for <laugh>. Something looks kind of crazy.
Bam, bam, explosion, computer porn pie.
Connect to that network. The wireless
password will be this guy right here, lemme show you. Yeah, there it is right
there. PSK is maim 82, blah blah blah. You got it right there. And once you're
connected, we're gonna go to this url, which by the way, this is so cool,
right? Because you can be on your phone, laptop or whatever,
set this guy somewhere. I mean obviously plug
into someone's computer, walk away within range and
connect to it. So let's do that. 1 72 4 0 1 port 8,000. There it is. That's easy now right from
the start, it's already pretty cool. We could also, if you
wanted to ss into it, it'll be route at the IP address and the
default password will be tour backward, reverse route.
So T O O R. And you can tell from here that
we're actually using Callie Lennox. Bet you didn't know that. Didn't see
that coming. How exciting is this? And whether you wanna use the terminal
or the gooey, it's your choice. Pick your poison. But I'll show you some
gooey cuz it's more visual. And we're, we're doing a visual thing
right now. We're making a video. I can't cover everything, but I'll show you how I can jiggle
my mouse on my computer. <laugh>, you wanna see that? That's pretty cool. I'm gonna go to the h I D
script menu option. Now, the main difference between this batter
bad u sb and the ducky is that the ducky uses ducky script, which is this custom
thing that hack five came up with. This guy uses h I D script,
which is I think a standard. And it's written in JavaScript. So
really you can just do whatever you want.
I'll show you what it looks like. I
mean it's right here, you can see it. And actually I just noticed this. You can import a ducky script and
it'll just translate it for you. And why that's valuable
is because check this out, there's a huge library of ducky script
payloads that the community creates. So you could use this here Anyways,
I'm gonna load and pre-end something. I'm gonna do the H I D test. Click okay,
now watch my computer here, watch it. The one it's plugged into, I'm
gonna run it. Oh, stuff's happening. I'm not doing anything. Look at,
that's just a test, right? All right, so I can stop it any time. I'm gonna stop
it. Oof, stop. But how cool was that? And there are also po pie payloads that
are designed to do some crazy things. I haven't tested all these, but a
lot of things you could possibly do, like capturing logins, disabling
security, grabbing passwords, A good old rick roll power shell
reverse, shell exfiltration, you name it.
It could probably do whatever you
want because in this instance, the SB is pretending to
be a mouse in a keyboard. That's how your computer sees it. Like let's dive into the Rick
Royal one real quick, simple. I'm gonna add that here.
So I'm gonna type this out. Notice this is kind of a little ide
for us right here in the browser. Doing this on the fly is so powerful,
man, your imagination's the limit. That's it. Okay, let's run it. See
what happens. My video's wrong. Let do it again. There we go.
<laugh>, how cool is that? Now whether you're a hacker
or not, that's just fun. Be able to control this remotely and
make your friends or your bosses or whoever's computer kind
of spooky. Now I'm, I'm not condoning hacking but little,
little funny prank. That's just fun.
Make your mom think she's hacked.
That's just a funny thing. No, again, there's a lot more you can do with
this. You can control trigger actions. What happens when it's plugged in, you can have a whole set of things just
go off. You can change wifi settings, you can change the network
that the USB is operating on. You can do all kinds of stuff.
So even though it's a super old, it still works pretty well. So
40 bucks, that's not too bad. Now 40 bucks is too
steep. I totally get that. We still have this guy and
even smaller raspberry pie, I'm gonna keep pulling out smaller ones.
This is the raspberry pie
Beco not very powerful, but you can turn this into a bad U
usb. I've already made a video on this. How you can turn this
little guy into a bad U usb. You can get two of these like a two pack
for 14 bucks and that's kind of stupid. Awesome. And they're available like
you. And so is this by the way.
But they're crazy value. Like you can buy these in bulk
like you wouldn't believe Buy 20. And similar to the poem pie, you can use
ducky script to do a ton of payloads. Again, just watch that
video. It was pretty cool. Now this next project is just so stinking
cool. Let me unplug him. Here we go. Power down. I made a sound effect. This one I'm gonna keep with me all the
time and take it with me everywhere I go. It's called the po
If you're old like me, you'll remember the tomagotchi. Although
Tomagotchi can't made a comeback, didn't it? My daughter's just got
one for Christmas like two years ago. Things always come around. Now
seriously, here's the page. PO nagashi, and you'll want to read this
because I'm not doing it justice, but essentially it does use AI to tune
its parameters to get better at honing wifi things to whatever environment
you're exposing it to. Again, read all this but let's
set it up real quick. Now, ideally you'll get the
raspberry pie zero W h that has piner piners pins already set up so
you can buy a screen.
Oh it's so cool. I bought a screen but I don't have pens, <laugh> and I don't have a soldering
gun with me right now so I can't use it. But you don't need a screen. And if
you wanna keep this project bare bones, you can do what I'm about
to do and just have this. And you can see this little
cool screen on a web ui. I'll show you how to set it up
right now. It's super simple. So first we're going to download the
latest pogo image. Let's go find it. I'll have links below, but I believe it's going to be I'm click
on an installation and go to flashing an image and click on
the latest POGO file, which takes me here <laugh> to
GitHub, which is version 1.55.
As of the time though is recording, I'll download this zip right
here and let that download. And just like the poem pie, you'll
need the raspberry pie imager. So we can write that image to
an SD card, a micro SD card. So while it's downloading, let's get
our SD card. You can use the same one. If you wanna replace
your previous project, plug it into our little U USB adapter
and plug that into our computer. Now real quick, before
you just like go, oh, I already know where
he is going with this, I'm just gonna go forward for the next
five steps by myself.
Don't do it yet. There's one thing we have
to do differently here. We have to edit a few files
to make some magic possible. I'll show you what I mean. Oh mine is
done. Okay, now we're gonna unzip it. Did I scare you? It kind of scared myself.
Let's unzip that sucker extract doll. I like the tang. You whip
of a file. Unzip <laugh>. Did y'all watch the office? My wife
and I always quote that to each other. We are lame. Okay, there's
our image file right there. We're gonna open up our raspberry
pie imager just as before, we're gonna choose that file by going
to use custom finding it inside that folder. There it is.
And then just as before, choosing our SD card and clicking
on right so far pretty standard.
We'll take a little coffee break
and we'll let that finish. Okay, I'm back verifying this for suckers. Now you should verify but I'm
under a time constraint. Done. I'll pun gotti's almost
ready. Don't do anything yet. Now what you wanna do is
go find the SD card mouth. You might have to like unplug and plug
it in again like I just did. There it is. So you're gonna open up that boot drive. This config is gonna allow us to connect
to our rasberry pi Zero's internet connection. It's Nick,
but I didn't get that. Shh via the u SB cable. I
know, right? It's so cool. Here in this boot drive we're gonna
create a new file. Go ahead and do it. I'm gonna right click say new text
document. We're gonna name that. Config dot tommo <laugh>
t oml, just like that.
Now we're going to edit that
file. I'll open that with Notepad, the best text editor in the world.
Now we'll have this code below, but they do have an example here on, I don't know why I said like that on
Porn's website. We'll paste that here, but we're not quite done yet. There's a few things we want add
here to enable our UI for the web ui. Right now it's by default just
enabling the UI for the little screen. So this is probably gonna work
for you already out outta the box. You can also tell it's to
ignore certain wifi networks. So you put your s I D here if you
wanted to for these two functions. I'm not gonna worry about that right
now. I'm gonna paste all this in there. Again, stuff is all below changing my username
to admin and my password is something super secure Admin, this is simply
the web UI login. And that's it. I'm gonna hit control S to save or
command S wherever you are.
Mac Lennox, you know the drill. So now you should have the config.to file
With all that information you can now remove it. Plug that into your raspberry
pie zero like I'm gonna do right now. Let's do this. Raspberry
pie zero oh got now again, we're going back to our
micro SB cable. So find that. And just like our previous example, we're gonna take the micro SB side
and plug the into the micro SB port like so now at the
power one, the U SB one. Now plug the other end into
a computer of your choice. I'm gonna do my Mac right
here. Now before I plug it in, there's two things I want you to notice.
First, check your network adapters. So this will be different
whether you're on Mac or Windows, but here in Mac I can do an if config
in the terminal and I can just kind of keep an eye on how many I have.
wanna keep an eye on that. Also, I can go to settings, system settings, go to network and keep an eye on how
many adapters I have right there. That should change if we did
everything right. Time to plug 'em in. I'm gonna plug 'em in right now
and give it a moment to boot. Give it a few minutes
cuz technology <laugh>, it's gonna have to come up and do
all its things. Ah, you see that? So something just happened
there. I have a new RN, D N I S, ethernet gadget connection. R N D I
S is something I'm actually new to. It's pretty cool, but it's essentially U USB ethernet
kind of thing that your computers will recognize. And if I do, if F config once
more, there's a new interface e N nine. Now I know I'm ready to play when I see
that I have a self-assigned IP and it's connected here on the R N D I S ethernet
gadget to make some magic happen for me to connect to my opponent.
Gci, I'm
gonna have to change some things here. I'm gonna open this up and this again
will be different across whatever OS you're on. But I'm gonna set a static
IP instead of relying on DHCP here, go to details. TCP i p change that from
using DHCP two manually. The IP address will be 10.001. So net mass 2 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 a
slash 24 and the router will be 10.001. Click on. Okay now you'll know what's working when
you can go over here to your terminal or command prompt wherever
you are. And ping 10 0 0 2. That's the poag. Got it. Okay, I'm gonna
stop that. Gonna open up a web browser, navigate to 10.002, port 80 80. A full disclosure, it had to replug it
in again and repower it up and it works. Okay, so going to 10 0 0 2 port 80 80. Log in with my super secret admin admin
configuration and look how cute that is.
<laugh>, it's cute right now. This thing can do a lot but essentially
you can leave it up and running and it will hack for you. Right now
it's in manual modes. It's
not doing anything cool. You can see it at the bottom right
here. I can restart in automotive, which I'll do right now. Shouldn't take very long and you'll
start to see it Do things at my wireless network. Ah, there we go. It's up.
Now <laugh> that think's hilarious. I can't take it seriously.
Ah, they found my wifi. Not look at it smiling
at all. That was real. My wife wireless Nick
blur those out. <laugh>. And it will, it will monitor all
kinds of things. Do some D off, pull some stuff. It's, it's crazy. And the idea is you wanna keep it on
all the time.
The more you leave it on, the more wireless stuff, you
expose it to the smarter it gets. So what I wanna do
actually is lemme show you Is get a little USB power bank. So what I wanna do is when I'm in an
environment where I'm allowed to do stuff, I will plug it in, let it go,
let it go crazy and get smarter. Now this does a lot more and the
technology behind this is really, really interesting. And it doesn't
have to be a Raspberry pi zero, it can be a Raspberry Pi three four,
but you should definitely try this out. All the links below, look at it. Go.
He's just doing kinds of crazy stuff. Now for the third project, this
one's kind of simple and easy. You can simply install Cali Linux
onto yours. Your raspberry pie zero. So like going through here, I can choose the operating system
on the Raspberry Pie imager. Go to, let's see what is, what are the other
ones? Other specific Purpose Os. And there it is Callie Lennox. And
they have all the different versions.
They have it for 0 2 0, they,
I think called pie tail, which actually allow you to, this is nuts. It allow you to use your Android phone
as a screen and controller for your pie or for your pie. Yeah. So you can
carry around with you everywhere, plug it into your Android and suddenly
you get this like little hacking environment. It's kind of crazy. They also have one with phone pie
that you can download right from here. But it didn't work for me. And that's why I'm showing it to you
last here because you might see that and go, oh, so cool, I can do
this. Chuck, you didn't, why don't you show this
from the beginning? Dude, I
tried it. It doesn't work. Go from the GitHub, the method
we went through that works. And from there you'll
have Kelly, Len on here. You can connect it to your
wireless network via WPA Pplicant. I'm not gonna cover that right here. You can connect the keyboard and
display and everything if you want to, but it's just really cool
to have Kelly Lennox, a Hacking OS on a little small device.
Crazy powerful.
And finally, bonus, there's one project I really wanted to
show you and I really hoped it work would work, but it didn't work. It's
a thing called Poison Tap. And the promise of this is that you'll
connect your Raspberry PI zero to a computer. It doesn't have to be open
or unlocked or anything. It just, just be sitting there and it would
somehow take all the network traffic and sniff it would sniff everything, bring it all in and send it up to a
web server that you have configured. And you just got a ton
of data about a machine. Like it was all the rage back in 2016
when Sammy Kay here came out with it.
No, no one cares and it doesn't
work anymore. I tried for hours. That's such a cool idea, right?
Like I really wanted that to work. I set up the web server, I set up the
Raspberry Pie zero. No data came out, nothing I could have, you
know, troubleshoot it longer. But who has time for that? Anyways, that's
our Hacking Projects. Happy Pie Day. Let me know which ones you're going
to try out if probably all of 'em. You should do all of them
right now. And again, ask the shout out to Oracle
for sponsoring this video. Check out their pie day stuff.
It's happening right now. So like when you're done
with this video, go, go learn how to do container
stuff with apps. Video over..