By | July 29, 2023

Mind Warehouse ►

1) Mocap X

2) Funsnap

3) Geco Hub®

4) Hestia

5) EvoDuster

6) Shaper Trace

7) FriiDesigns Morf Strap

8) Dayoo TranSteamer

9) X-Turbo

10) HHOLOVE O Sitter

11) LautieEDC NoizC-Nano (preview)

12) Lulabop Qliplet (preview)

13) Slice Folding Knifes (preview)

14) Nubia Watсh (preview)

15) Gper (preview)

00:00 – Mocap X
01:13 – Funsnap
02:00 – Hestia
03:00 – Shaper Trace
03:59 – Geco Hub®
04:54 – EvoDuster
05:55 – FriiDesigns Morf Strap
06:51 – Dayoo TranSteamer
07:56 – X-Turbo
08:52 – HHOLOVE O Sitter
09:59 – LautieEDC NoizC-Nano
10:54 – Lulabop Qliplet
11:52 – Slice Folding Knifes
12:51 – Nubia Watсh
13:44 – Gper

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[Music] Thank you In 2021 mobile Gamers spent a staggering 116 billion dollars on their favorite Games which is more than 12 times Monaco's GDP It's not surprising considering the wide Variety of games available from puzzles To Shooters however Shooters present a Challenge when it comes to aiming Without a mouse or joystick as it's not Very convenient fortunately a Californian teen came up with clever Glasses that turn your head into a Controller so now you can simply look at Your Target and shoot this means that You can aim 200 faster with 50 less Finger movement and a cleaner screen These glasses work with both Android and IOS devices what more could you ask for Besides they're also compatible with Consoles including the steam deck and All of this comes at a price of eighty Nine dollars In the midst of virtual battles and Real-life tasks having a cooling system Is essential this fan managed to gather 20 times more money than its original Goal on Kickstarter thanks to the AR Turbo technology it lowers the air Temperature by 25 while operating Silently and Lasting a whole day on a Single charge it also offers five speeds The ability to adjust the fan angle by

60 degrees and weighs just 235 grams you Can get your ticket to comfort for only 35 dollars [Music] Have you heard about the total solar Eclipse happening on the 8th of April 2024 well the experts at Hestia have it On their radar their product hosts your Smartphone into telescope making it Perfect for observing eclipses the moon And other astronomical wonders The idea is simple since modern Smartphones are so powerful why not use Them as telescopes so the Hestia set Consists of an ocular with a tripod While the rest is taken care of by a Smartphone's hardware and a specialized App with this setup you can observe the Eclipse with a 25 times zoom and just Gazing at the stars will surely Captivate many the standard stargazing Kit is available for 230 dollars [Music] From a sketch on paper or a screen to a Vector SVG file in seconds designers and Artists must be overjoyed just place the Special frame over the sketch capture Its content with your smartphone's Camera and you're done you can take the Picture from any angle as the clever app Will handle perspective Distortion Issues and even allow you to import the Entire sketch or its individual Parts You can then combine them with other

Sketches shapes and text if needed The frames capture area is 178 by 268 Millimeters and for some reason they Included a pen in the package although You don't necessarily have to use it the Trio of frame plus pen Plus app is Priced at eighty dollars [Music] Today even shelves have gotten smarter The gecko Hub organizers are a great Example with its patented flexible Matrix it can hold watches Keys glasses And other items just make sure the total Weight doesn't exceed two and a half Kilograms the organizer itself weighs 330 grams so if you don't want to use Screws on the wall adhesive strips will Do the job Since the main material is silicon Rubber the organizer won't scratch your Belongings and can be easily cleaned Additionally the flexible components can Be mounted without glue and various Color options allow you to create a Unique design all of this comes at a Price of thirty dollars [Music] Foreign [Music] Up without some all-in-one products in Today's lineup we have a pump plus Blower plus hair dryer plus air duster It's the perfect device whether you're Camping or cleaning as the manufacturers

Confidently assert here are the specs it Weighs 200 grams has four speeds can Reach up to a hundred thousand rotations Per minute and runs on a 2700 milliamp Hour battery they even added a small LCD Screen and its streamlined body exudes Elegance and sophistication adding at Such of style to your cleaning Arsenal In short it's efficient modern and Charges via USB type-c you can get the Gadget cable and three attachments as a Package for ninety dollars [Music] Foreign [Music] Around 1.2 billion brand new smartphones Were sold worldwide last year if they Were all sent to Egypt every resident Would have 11 phones or so With so many smartphones out there why Not add something unique to yours take For example this carrying strap that Transforms into a selfie stick and a Tripod this ingenious Gadget has already Caught the attention of social media Users including makeup artists plus it Only adds two millimeters to the Smartphone's thickness it's priced at Eighty dollars the manufacturers also Offer the morph trigger a remote control Fob for your smartphone that easily Attaches to the strap Foreign [Music]

Eco-friendliness is all the rage so People might opt for this steam cleaner Priced at 470 dollars it requires no Chemicals and can be used to clean Anything from the bathroom to the car's Interior need it to be portable just use It as a handheld vacuum got some heavy Duty work attach the special module and It becomes a steam mop in both modes the Steam temperature is around 110 degrees Celsius These standard operation mode offers one Minute of steam Supply followed by one And a half minutes of rest if you're new To using such equipment voice prompts Will guide you and with only four Buttons it's really easy to use the Clean is suitable for a range of Materials from Granite tiles to carpets And it can also help with wallpaper Removal and window cleaning [Music] Once considered a professional ailment For milkmaids carpal tunnel syndrome is Now increasingly found among office Workers one of the reasons is prolonged Keyboard use which can cause discomfort In the wrists leading to numbness Itching and even cramps that's where This wrist rest comes in handy it Combines artificial leather and memory Foam moreover it's the world's first Option with two built-in fans and it Also features adjustable backlighting

And an angle adjustment of plus or minus 30 degrees The wrist rest is compatible with almost Any keyboard from laptops to gaming ones The price is sixty dollars which matches Its features and quality Foreign [Music] Turkey and Canada have in common these Three countries have more pet cats than Dogs so the creators of the oh sitter Robot should certainly pay extra Attention to them oh sitter is Essentially a cat Nanny it can feed Entertain and even provide an HD quality Live stream for the owners its food Container can hold up to two and a half Liters of food and the robot will follow A precise feeding schedule With its 360 degree horizontal and 110 Degree vertical Vision along with Infrared sensing the cat sitter can Quickly locate even the most active cat The cutest part is that the robot has Little paws too making it less likely to Tip over the first cat sitters will be Shipped to customers this August with Prices starting at a hundred and twenty Dollars Foreign [Music] S for the popularity of fidget Spinners Is their Simplicity in this age of smart Gadgets people seek toys that don't

Demand much attention as a result the Manufacturers of fidget Spinners are Doing quite well for instance the prices Of these spanners from a Chinese company Can go for up to 160 dollars The main appeal lies in the creative Freedom they offer customers can create Their own models using their preferred Components with choices like brass Titanium thermoplastic different colors Designs and sets of stickers all Organized into various themes and series The assembled spinner will fully reflect The owner's creativity Foreign Free your hands and do more in your life Say the creators of this Carabiner they Claim it's like the Swiss army knife in The world of carabiners though it's not Suitable for rock climbing however it Can transform into a hangar and hold up To approximately 23 kilograms what's More it's lightweight weighing just 57 Grams making it easy to carry around Whether you're going camping or to work The main material used is an aluminum Alloy commonly found in knife handles And bicycle frames manufactured using The same CNC technology used in jet Planes and racing cars considering all These features the price of 17 seems Pretty attractive [Music] Slice is a relatively new company

Established in 2008 but it has already Found many customers the team is Revamping conventional cutting tools to Make them safer and simpler for instance These knives are designed to reduce the Risk of cuts the handle is comfortable For both left-handed and right-handed Users while the blades are made of Ceramic so they need to be replaced 10 Times less frequently than steel ones Moreover they hold their Edge 11 times Longer and their special shape reduces The risk of accidental cuts this compact Folding knife is perfect for both the Tourist's backpack and an office desk Drawer the models shown on the screen Weigh only 75 and 168 grams respectively And the prices are 28 or 38 dollars Must have made even Apple a little Nervous one of zte's brands from China Has come up with a model featuring a Four inch flexible screen it looks Fantastic in every sense and its Performance is impressive too they claim It has one gigabyte of ram 8 gigabytes Of internal storage and can last a week In power saving mode as usual it allows You to check your pulse distance Traveled steps and other data Sports Enthusiasts will be pleased with a Built-in GPS module and various modes Like running and climbing the watch even Allows you to make phone calls without Taking your phone out of your pocket you

Can get your hands on this watch for Just 220 dollars According to who experts approximately 55 million people worldwide suffer from Dementia one of the symptoms is memory Lapses a person might go outside and Forget their way back home that's why These trackers are genuinely essential They ensure that a lost person is always Visible on the map The manufacturers offer a global roaming Option for nine dollars per month Allowing the tracker to work in 150 Countries right away without the hassle Of dealing with mobile network operators The tracker itself costs 140 dollars is Compact weighs 74 grams so you can Easily put it in your pockets or wear it Around your neck without discomfort Additionally it can be useful for Protecting luggage keeping an eye on Kids during trips and other similar Scenarios Foreign