By | May 16, 2023

Salty Popcorn ►

1) Brickwork support (Preview)

2) Adventure Mate V2 (Preview)

3) MICATON MAGNETDRIVER® Nail-Holder (Preview)

4) Rail Pulling (Preview)

5) HYDE® Heavy Duty Molding Puller

6) Montolit Flash Line 3
6.1) BIHUI 8″ Pump Suction cup


8) Haloblaze Osprey

9) Pliozip, Helawrap

10) Macroza

11) Prakor Bee

12) Wolfcraft Marking and Alignment Template

00:00 – TRIAC AT
01:20 – Prakor Bee
02:16 – Pliozip, Helawrap
03:14 – HYDE® Heavy Duty Molding Puller
04:13 – Montolit Flash Line 3
04:56 – BIHUI 8″ Pump Suction cup
05:52 – Haloblaze Osprey
07:49 – Rail Pulling
09:03 – Macroza
10:06 – Adventure Mate V2
11:22 – Wolfcraft Marking and Alignment Template
12:12 – Brickwork support

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[Music] Thank you There's a curious new product for Plumbers roofers and other professionals Who regularly work with copper Chrome And zinc a soldering kit without gas or Open flame A Swiss company offers hot air soldering That eliminates the need for propane Tanks and other complications the Advantages of this new system are Numerous the temperature is adjustable Wind and dust won't be a problem Assembly and relocation are easy and the Environment won't be polluted The welding process utilizes a heat gun With an intelligent control unit as well As other tools and accessories a Soldering iron soldering iron blank Soldering iron adapter and Equipment Stand the temperature range is from 40 To 620 degrees Celsius and the settings Are shown on the digital display the Heat gun weighs just over a kilogram so It's easy to work with one hand the Price for this Innovative soldering kit Is about 1250 dollars Designed specifically for Professionals In drip irrigation and hydroponics this Highly specialized tool allows for the Rapid installation of drippers it can Install approximately 10 of them per Minute and is compatible with plastic Tubing ranging from 16 to 20 millimeters

In diameter additionally any make or Model of dripper can be used the tool is Easy to hold with one hand and doesn't Require Advanced dexterity to operate According to the manufacturer it is the Fastest and most accurate way to install This kind of system which probably Explains the price of 169 dollars However there won't be a shortage of Buyers given that's for example in Israel up to 80 percent of fruits and Vegetables are grown using Hydroponics [Music] Human error causes around 75 percent of The damage to submarine cables not to Mention land cables which you have Probably stumbled over at least once in Your life to prevent damage cable Sleeves are often used to protect cables In the server room or on the production Line two options are available plier zip Which offers a diameter of 8 to 32 Millimeters or healer wrap with a range Of 9 to 42 millimeters both options Require a special tool for ease of Installation which even amateurs can Learn to use additionally the cable Sleeves allow for easy removal of cable Ends in the right place without tools For example if the cable is too long The installation tool costs five and a Half dollars and the sleeve is nine Dollars per meter [Music]

Continuing our selection we have a tool Designed for renovation enthusiasts to Help remove baseboards carpets tiles and Other finishing elements with ease and Precision these elements are often Located near materials like drywall Which can be easily deformed during Removal however the tools clever design Helps avoid mistakes and allows you to Work with a hammer confidently Additionally the tool features a Non-slip handle and a built-in nail Puller as an extra feature it's a Patented tool and its creators assure Users that the applied force is evenly Distributed over a large surface area The manufacturer concludes by stating That this tool will not Bend or break And is built to last a lifetime it's Available for 26 dollars [Music] Here's another seemingly simple tool That offers patented Solutions a Mechanical tile cutter it works with Porcelain slabs up to 10 millimeters Thick this tool is perfect for solo work As it doesn't require suction cups or Additional accessories it weighs 8 Kilograms and can be disassembled and Packed into a bag When fully assembled it reaches a length Of 3.6 meters the tool is autonomous Requiring no batteries and features an Anti-slip system it's manufactured in

Italy and is priced at one thousand and Fifty dollars [Music] Once you've finished with the porcelain Slabs you might want to transport them With the help of these suction cups The first option has a capacity of 120 Kilograms and features a retractable Handle with a built-in pressure gauge For precise control the second option Can hold up to 110 kilograms and offers A simpler system a red indicator on the Retractable handle signals the need to Pump both suction cups are suitable for Use on smooth and textured surfaces and Have a diameter of about 20 centimeters They can hold the weight for several Hours with the more powerful version Featuring a steel handle and the less Powerful version featuring a plastic one Considering the added benefits maybe the Manufacturers telling us that we should Invest 145 dollars and purchase the more Advanced version This company presents the latest Advancement in heat shrink tubing Processing technology with their Proprietary invention that combines a Classic processing method with a heat Gun and the Ospreys airflow technology The benefits of this device are numerous It offers 360 degree shrinking increased Safety and consistent high quality Results eliminating the need to rotate

The treated elements the device consists Of a base and a heat gun with the Manufacturer recommending the steinel 2320e though other models may be Suitable as well with a total weight of 4 kilograms the device is both portable And easy to use the only problem is the Price as the base alone costs 1194 dollars Hey Up next in our selection is a simple yet Incredibly useful product a nail holder With this tool both amateurs and Professionals can avoid risking their Fingers as nails are held securely in Place by a neodymium magnet the Manufacturer explains that the holder Has a power not seen until now and won The best invention of 2015 award at the International construction Trade Fair Theraforma The nail holder is compatible with Screwdrivers screw guns and drills and There are also versions for self-tapping Screws the standard kit enclose a Screwdriver handle a nail holder and a Curved extension even with all these Features the price remains modest at Just 15 dollars Hey [Music] Let's move on from self-tapping screws And nails to rail maintenance because There is plenty of work to be done on

This front as well because of the Coronavirus European rail companies have Suffered an estimated loss of 55 billion Dollars in Revenue hence it is Imperative to catch up and special tools Like hydraulic rail Jacks can help Repair tracks quickly and efficiently This hydraulic jack weighs approximately 17 kilograms can lift up to 6.5 tonnes Up to 76 or 80 millimeters depending on The model the hand lever is detachable And the tool has a quick lowering Mechanism the bright yellow color makes It easy to locate the tool in addition To hydraulic jacks rail pulling shoes Are widely used for work on the rails They help move the rails without the Risk of deformation though they weigh Approximately 38 kilograms the shoes are Suitable for s49 9 s54 and UIC 60 rails That are commonly used in large-scale Production plants to move cranes and Other machinery [Music] This wall Chaser designed for making Grooves or channels comes from Spain and Offers several benefits depending on the Model such as working with materials Such as perforated concrete Hollow clay Bricks cement and plaster Coatings Cutting up to 50 millimeters deep and Wide and comfortable use on large Projects thanks to its good ergonomics As it weighs around 8 kilograms

One of the key advantages highlighted by The Spanish company is speed a single Person working with Hollow bricks can Cover 800 meters in a day in terms of Maintenance only two operations are Required cleaning with compressed air at Least twice a week and a general Inspection every 100 hours the basic Model is priced at around a thousand Dollars [Music] Foreign [Music] Here's a product for Swiss army knife Enthusiasts a team of designers have Taken the all-in-one idea to the next Level with their latest tool They Took An Ax and upgraded it to feature the Functionality of a saw a shovel a hammer And a hook all with a carbon fiber Reinforced nylon handle this is the Second version of the ax and the Designers have made some noteworthy Improvements compared to the first Version now it has a patented two-stage Locking mechanism a stronger saw blade a Sharpened shovel and a cerakote coating And other details the tool has a weight Of 2.2 kilograms and the soar is 16.5 Centimeters long the price starts at 260 Dollars a similar Innovation was Introduced by the creative Union between The company's XI Ag and london-based Designer Casper Hamilton Hamilton

Designed a special attachment that Allows you is to fit the right blade While the 71 centimeter long handle Combines natural wood and carbon fiber This template is a versatile tool Designed for marking and aligning Sockets and switches in drywall it has a Working length of 71 or 91 millimeters And comes with Illustrated step-by-step Instructions The template features an integrated Spirit level to ensure accuracy the tool Is made primarily of plastic with a Removable steel stand and magnets on the Back to hold the subframe in place what Sets this template apart is its Universal Design which takes into Account the specifics of sockets in Different countries despite its many Features the price is surprisingly Affordable coming in at only sixteen Dollars [Music] Did you know that pizza used to be Available on the McDonald's menu when it Comes to cooking pizza there are Typically three types of ovens deck Ovens conveyor ovens and Wood Fired Ovens on the screen you can see the Third option also known as the Pompeii Oven This Italian style domed oven is made Out of bricks on a reinforced concrete Slab and is easily recognizable by the

Chimney pipe located over the entry Arch One of the key advantages of these ovens Is their quick heating time they're Ready to cook in just 30 to 40 minutes To ensure that the bricks remain Securely in place during the building Process workers use a special movable Support fixed at the center of the Future oven along with other tools Please